For information regarding permission ( s ) , write to : Pearson Education , Inc. , Rights and Permissions Department . Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks .
The vibrant design makes the book more approachable through modern chapter-opening photos, graphs, and detailed exercise photos.
The 6th Edition presents current research and topics of student interest such as eating disorders, stress-management strategies, barefoot running, Pilates, diabetes and pre-diabetes, ergogenic dietary supplements, at-home fitness equipment, ...
QR codes in the book link to actual exercise videos, so you can quickly and easily see proper form and technique videos prior to your own workouts.
KEY BENEFIT:Total Fitness and Wellness Brief Edition, Second Editiongives readers a solid foundation in fitness and lifetime wellness, while teaching them how to make healthy behavioral changes and lifestyle choices.
Total Fitness and Wellness
QR codes in the book link to actual exercise videos, so you can quickly and easily see proper form and technique videos prior to your own workouts.
QR codes in the book link to actual exercise videos, so you can quickly and easily see proper form and technique videos prior to your own workouts.
0321555201 / 9780321555205 Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition Value Package (includes MyHealthLab Student Access Kit for Total Fitness and Wellness) Package consists of: 0321531809 / 9780321531803 MyHealthLab Student Access Kit for ...
QR codes in the book link to actual exercise videos, so you can quickly and easily see proper form and technique videos prior to your own workouts.
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.