... 1959 , 1953 ) , von Hagen ( 1961 ) , Mair ( 1962 ) , Chang ( 1963 ) , MacNeish ( 1964 ) , Hawkes ( 1965 ) , Flannery ( 1973 ) , Gibbs ( 1965 ) , Earle ( 1984 ) , Mann ( 1986 ) , Johnson and Earle ( 1987 ) , Bates and Plog ( 1991 ) .
The Ephemeral Civilization is an astonishing intellectual feat in which Graeme Snooks develops an original and ground-breaking analysis of changing sociopolitical forms over the past 3,000 years.
This volume presents classic papers or chapters by Dr. Alexander, each focused on an important theme from his work.
This thought-provoking text presents a fresh synthesis of the principles of social evolution that underlie the major transitions, explaining how the basic theory underpinning social evolution - inclusive fitness theory - is central to ...
Social Evolution as the Self-Organization of Energy Richard Newbold Adams. perspective.” In D. R. Omark, F. F. Strayer, ... In H. T. Lewis, ed., Patterns of Indian Burning in California, pp. v-xlvii. Ramona, Calif.; Ballena Press.
Jérôme Rousseau makes cognitive complexity his starting point in an innovative study of how and why human societies evolve. The focus of Rousseau's enquiry is "middle-range" societies - a vast category between hunter-gatherers and states.
First published in 1976, this book is concerned with the nature of classification in the social sciences.
Revolutionary and evolutionary theorists have very different views about change; Fein writes in favour of evolution.
In establishing a single framework for a common, trait-based approach towards social synthesis, this volume will enable graduate students and investigators new to the field to systematically compare taxonomic groups and reinvigorate ...
... n C o n t r a d i c t i o n C o n t r i b u t io n P r i m i t i v e C o m m u n i s m S l a v e r y F e u d a li s m C a p it a li s m K E Y t o E l e m e n t s W i t h in E a c h M P i r .va l o r i z e d c o e r c i o n I n t .