Have there been developments in astronomy that have led you to teach some topics differently from how you learned them as a student? Are your students overwhelmed with the amount of information they need to learn in their astronomy class? Then consider the fresh approach of The Essential Cosmic Perspective, Second Edition. Built from the ground up on our new understanding of the universe, this student-friendly text focuses on central ideas and unifying themes to provide a concise cosmic context. Scientific concepts are linked to everyday experience to help students develop an appreciation for the scientific method and to see how physics and astronomy are foundations for understanding their world, and recent discoveries spark students' curiosity in the universe as a whole.
This student-friendly text is now even more accessible through robust visual pedagogy via new Cosmic Context two-page illustrations, which walk students through key processes and summarize the major points of each Part, and via updated zoom ...
This textbook for college courses in introductory astronomy tells the story of modern astronomy and the new perspective that astronomy gives us on ourselves and our planet.--
Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- The Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy , Sixth Edition retains all of the features that have made this text so popular and effective.
0321703294 / 9780321703293 The Essential Cosmic Perspective, Books a la Carte Plus Mastering Astronomy(TM) Package consists of 0321582225 / 9780321582225 Mastering Astronomy(TM) with Pearson eText Student Access Kit for Bennett, Donahue, ...
This textbook for college courses in introductory astronomy tells the story of modern astronomy and the new perspective that astronomy gives us on ourselves and our planet.--
Designed and written for a one semester course, this text shares many of the strengths of its more comprehensive best-selling sibling, The Cosmic Perspective . For one-semester courses in astronomy.
The Essential Cosmic Perspective
The Essential Cosmic Perspective: Media Update
The Cosmic Perspective
Your textbook already offers suggestions on which tutorials to use and how to use them to aid in the learning of important ideas in each chapter . This workbook provides additional questions and laboratory activities to help you master ...