Philip Babcock Gove , ed . , Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language , Unabridged ( Springfield ... Thomas C. Oden , Game Free : A Guide to the Meaning of Intimacy ( New York : Harper and Row , 1974 ) , p .
Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III lead you to discuss with your spouse healthy ways of expressing sexuality within marriage.
Through the research on which this book reports, we have been given the unique opportunity to explore the complex nature of two of the most important issues in the lives of adults: identity and intimacy.
Clinical strategies for helping couples improve their intimacy are presented in case examples. This book is unique in that it offers clinicians a step-by-step approach for both assessment and intervention
From a two-time nationally award winning sexuality researcher - The Art of Intimate Marriage. God's plan for sexual intimacy in marriage is the work of a Master artist and genuine intimacy is like a beautiful masterpiece.
Or your husband may think he knows it all and could satisfy anyone with an array of sexual techniques derived from junior high locker rooms, internet porn, or by watching lots of movies. Writing out your preferences, and having your ...
That search is honored by myriad religious and societal supports. It is to non-traditionalists, to those ready for new life and love affirmations, that this book is offered with joy.
Discovering how to make Marrige work despite stresses, despite differences, and despite the high failure rate of even christian Marriages.
"--Dr. Gary Oliver, executive director, the Center for Marriage & Family Studies at John Brown University "This book is a must-read for couples wishing to enhance their love life.
The Intimate Marriage
When , with sincere simplicity of heart , we seek to please our Father as our only motive , we are graced with his Spirit , set free from the demands of our self - seeking . We all have moments of such spiritual lucidity .