Looks at creation from both a biblical and scienctific perspective, with information on such topics as creation myths of ancient cultures, radiometric dating, geology and Noah's flood, Darwinism, and fossils.
Editors , “ Morris Debates for Young Earth at Wheaton , " Acts & Facts , Institute for Creation Research , vol . ... De Young , Donald B. , The Moon : Its Creation , Form , and Significance ( Winona Lake , IN : BMH Books , 1978 ) ...
The foundational concept in the book was that there is a fundamental difference between operation science and origin science.
本书是对科学发现和宇宙洞察的总结,它采用了《圣经》的文体,分为《旧约》和《新约》两部分。《旧约》部分在讲述宇宙演化的精彩故事之时,不仅为我们解答了这些问题 ...
Scientists Who Find God
The Case for Creation
Genesis Record : A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings by Dr. Henry M. Morris ( Grand Rapids , Michigan : Baker Book House , 1976 ) , 716 pp . Genesis Solution by Ken Ham and Paul S. Taylor ( Grand Rapids ...
Each segment of the creation story from Genesis is followed by an explanation of related scientific concepts and suggestions for experiments to illustrate the teachings.
Out of Thin Air
Why have so many well-known statesmen and scientists, as well as famous sportsmen, musicians and writers from our current era - and from past ages - expressed such a passionate belief in God?In this revealing, information-packed and thought ...
Is There a God?: Questions about Science and the Bible