Readings in Values Clarification
This work meets a long-standing need in the helping professions by being the first and only comprehensive book on how counselors and psychotherapists can work with clients around values, goal-setting, decision-making and action planning.
The assessment instrument included in this book is designed to help identify those values that are most important and meaningful to you. This book goes beyond clarifying your personal values.
It’s why we’re here.” Whether you’ve read Daring Greatly and Rising Strong or you’re new to Brené Brown’s work, this book is for anyone who wants to step up and into brave leadership.
Beginning Values Clarification: A Guidebook for the Use of Values Clarification in the Classroom
Meeting Yourself Halfway: Thirty-one Values Clarification Strategies for Daily Living
Clarifying Values Through Subject Matter: Applications for the Classroom
Personalizing Education: Values Clarification and Beyond
Helping Your Child Learn Right from Wrong: A Guide to Values Clarification
The Mass Confusion of Values Clarification: A Retrospective Look