This volume bridges the gap between practicing organizational communication consultants, organizational communication courses, and the student. Combining theory with actual applied communication practices, the text is based on the integration of perspectives, principles, and pragmatics rather than case studies and insights. In-depth examination is provided for verbal and nonverbal communication, channels, networks, listening, symbolic behavior, interpersonal and small group communication, leadership, conflict management, motivation, and new communication technologies. The coverage is current, incorporating vital organizational issues such as empowering, self-directed work units, and human-computer interfaces.
Applied Organizational Communicationprovides a thorough analysis of the forces and influences in organizational communication. This text:
*explains the impact of critical environmental influences on all levels;
*provides extensive discussion of teams, leadership, technology, listening, and interpersonal communication;
*offers current analysis, utilizing a broad base of information and research; and
*Establishes links between organizational communication and perceptions, theory, networks, and symbolic behavior.
Building on the successful foundation of the first volume, this second edition has been thoroughly revised, reflecting the current state of organizational communication theory and research. Highlights of this edition include:
*extensive topical coverage;
*integrated discussion of change, diversity, and digital age issues in all chapters;
*updated analysis of major issues and influences in organizational communication; and
*real-world examples.
As an accessible and practical examination of organizational communication, this textbook is an excellent course text and serves as a valuable resource. It is intended for use in organizational communication, leadership, organizational development, and organizational intervention courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.
把競爭變合作,發揮1+1>2的集體智力 讓個人的小潛力,激發出與人同贏的大潛能 繼紐約時報暢銷書《哈佛最受歡迎的快樂工作學》, ...
正如一名法国经济学家让·巴蒂斯特所说,企业家“必须掌握监督以及管理的艺术”。在工业革命时期,一个最主要的工程项目之一就是修建铁路,而当时的铁路分布得太广。为了管理并协调好如此庞大的人力物力资源,组织管理机制应运而生,并得以实施推广。丹尼尔·麦卡 ...
This package contains: 01032153688: Corporate Finance: The Core 0132889684: NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Corporate Finance: The Core
Stogdill , Ralph M. , 349 Stokes , Bruce , 269 Stone , Andrea , 60 Stotka , Ann Marie , 61 Stouffer's frozen foods ... 212 , 232 , 354 Taylor , Ronald , 201 TCBY Enterprises , 202 Team Viper , a group of Chrysler workers , 399 ( illus . ) ...
In Fedder's case union and management vigorously pursued these traditional goals , the one arguing that seniority should govern the decision over who was to be promoted to the grade two pipe fitter position ; the other arguing that ...
未來,什麼人最搶手?「管理學界最具影響力的聲音」韓森重磅發聲:頂尖高手都是績效控,全新工作法則就是你的新機會!成功學里程碑之作,席捲各大媒體推薦書榜單「關於聰明 ...
巴菲特2020年給股東的信: 「勞倫斯.康寧漢和史蒂芬妮.庫巴和在新書《信任邊際》中探討(波克夏公司)這種文化的價值, 你可以在我們的年度股東會上看到這本書。」 ...
感谢格雷厄姆·迪克斯霍恩(Graham Dixhorn)的封面写作 技巧和玛丽·米哈里(Mary Mihaly)的早期编辑工作。在本书的编写过程中,我受到很多人的支持与帮助。在我我要特别感谢的是:丹尼尔·杰克曼(Daniel Jackman),我的生活和商业伙伴,他的存在和幽默让我每天都 ...
我们 的同事,帕特里斯·拉斯利特、杰夫·莫特莫、苏俄蒂、蒂姆·皮帝斯雷、英格丽·斯塔德霍姆和凯伦·怀特,和我们一起传授这些理念,而且当我们在理论(或实际)上糊涂的时候让我们恢复清醒,他们还承担了一部分客户方面的细节问题,所以我们可以抽出身来, ...
“我的激情在哪里?”“我代表、支持的是什么?”“我希望人们如何评价我,我做得又如何?”这些问题的答案凝聚了你的影响力思维。在本书中,指导过上千位高管的影响力教练 ...