In spite of the theoretical knowledge of diagnosis and assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning imparted by their course instructors, most students are confused about the interrelationships of these processes in practice and are unable to apply what they have learned to the solution of thorny client problems. This book is designed to bridge the gap between classroom and clinic. In pragmatic fashion it walks beginners through the strategies needed to work with adults in outpatient settings and answers the questions they most frequently ask their clinical supervisors at the outset of their clinical apprenticeships. Three chapters succinctly summarize the crucial general information and skills that must be reflected in a clinician's approach to any client. Then, following a standard format that facilitates understanding and comparison, experts describe specific disorders one by one and present their own illustrative cases to point the way to effective targeting. Diagnosis, Conceptualization, and Treatment Planning for Adults will be an indispensable guide for mental health professionals in training who are facing their first assignments with clients.
New York, NY: Pearson. Binensztok, V. (2019). The influence of reflective practice on the case conceptualization competence of counselor trainees (Doctoral dissertation). Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.
Engaging and relevant, this book's 30 case examples are drawn from pop culture characters giving students a common background from which to learn.
The Second Edition of Alan M. Schwitzer and Lawrence C. Rubin’s Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Skills: A Popular Culture Casebook Approach comprehensively addresses the clinical thinking skills required in professional counseling ...
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. PotterEfron, R. T., & PotterEfron, P. S. (2006). Letting go of anger: The eleven most common anger stylesand what todo about them. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. Rosellini, G., & Worden, M. (1997).
Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory With Clinical Practice teaches students in counseling, psychotherapy, and clinical psychology how to develop the case conceptualization and treatment planning skills ...
Voices from the Trenches provide practical discussions of counselor or treatment considerations that students will need to consider when working with individuals with certain mental health disorders: Here are practical, real-life ...
Principles and practice of behavioral assessment. New York: Allyn & Bacon. Haynes, S. N., Richard, D., & O'Brien, W. B. (1996). The functional analysis in behavior therapy: Estimating the strength of causal relationships for the design ...
Case conceptualization and treatment planning skills have always been important in providing quality care to clients. These skills are even more vital in today's managed care market for documenting clients'...
Voices from the Trenches provide practical discussions of counselor or treatment considerations that students will need to consider when working with individuals with certain mental health disorders: Here are practical, real-life ...
Voices from the Trenches provide practical discussions of counselor or treatment considerations that students will need to consider when working with individuals with certain mental health disorders: Here are practical, real-life ...