Depicts the history of more than one hundred Colorado towns abandoned after the end of the mining boom
"This is not a history book. Rather it is a directory of towns, and compilation of known information about those towns. In undertaking the stud, I was amazed at the...
Stampede to Timberline: The Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Colorado
'Timberline Tailings' is made up of material--letters and interviews--of the hardy men and women who met the challenges of the gold and silver mining camps of Colorado with stamina, ingenuity, and a keen love of life.
Colorado Ghost Towns & Mining Camps: A Sketch Book
... 196 Axtell , Governor Samuel B .: 138 Aztec Lode ( mine ) : 10 Oaks , N. M. ) : 225 Anderson , Bob : 49 Anderson , John : 156 Anderson , Walt : 207 Andrews , N. M .: 10 Angle ( Engle , N. M. ) : 78 Angle , Judge Frank Warner : 140 ...
This book is an illustrated history of fifty-nine towns famous during the gold and silver rushes of the 1800s, with directions on how to get to each.
The Black Hawk Quartz Mill Company of Rock Island , Illinois , was the manufacturer . One of their mills was freighted in and assembled at this spot on May 23 , 1860. The town took its name from the big mill .
Series statement from publisher's website.
Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for Caxton Press This book features information and travel directions for sixty of Colorado's ghost towns and mining camps.
A guide to appreciating and understanding the history of abandoned mining camps shows how to use the techniques of an historical sleuth to identify and interpret what one sees at...