Horses, friends, ragtime music, and steer roping-those were the interests of the youthful Will Rogers as he came of age in the Indian Territory and traveled to the Southern Hemisphere in this first of six definitive volumes of The Papers of Will Rogers. By separating fact from legend and unveiling new knowledge via extensive archival research, this documentary history represents a unique contribution to Rogers scholarship and to studies of the Cherokee Nation West. Using many previously unpublished letters and photographs-together with introductions, notes, and biographies of his friends and relatives-volume one illuminates Rogers’s complex relationship with his father, his Cherokee heritage, his early education, first encounters with his future wife, Betty Blake, his voyage to Argentina, and his fledging years in Wild West shows and circuses in South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. Coorespondence, performance reviews, and rare newspaper documents spotlight the singular experiences that shaped the young Rogers within the context of his family, his ethnic background, and historical events. No other book describes so provocatively and authentically the genesis of America’s most beloved and influential humorist.
... his articles submitted through the McNaught Syndicate VOLUME 5 Gragert, Steven K., and M. Jane Johansson (Eds.), The Papers of Will Rogers, The Final Years, August 1928 – August 1935, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 2006.
... Sciences did not officially adopt the nickname “Oscar” until 1939. 3. Will Rogers, “Notes for Remarks ca. 16 Mar. 1934, Los Angeles, Calif,” in The Papers of Will Rogers: The Final Years, Volume Five, August 1928–August 1935, eds.
See General Index Carlin and Otto , 88 Carlton , William , 138n.11 Carmencita ( Carmen Dausset ) , 187n.1 , 188 & * n.1 Carmen Sisters , 89 , 314n.2 Carolatta , 182 Caron and Farnum , 195n.2 Carr , Nat , 345n.2 , 353 Cartmell , Charlie ...
Tony Pastor Presents: Afterpieces from the Vaudeville Stage. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998. ———. “Tony Pastor's Vaudeville: Serving the New York Community.” The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin 25, no.
During this period, Edward met and rapidly became close friends with the Harlem Renaissance novelist Nella Larsen, the author of two late-1920s novels dramatizing racial identity and social relations: Quicksand and Passing.
Fung, Yu-lan. 1983. History of Chinese Philosophy, Volume 2: The Period of Classical Learning from the Second Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D. Translated by Derk Bodde. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Blount, Alabama 148 Bonney, William H. 163 Boone, Daniel 28 Boonville, Missouri 46, 52 Booth, John Wilkes 48 Boston, ... New York 25 “Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West” 111 Bull Run 53, 55–56 Burke, William S. 166 Burnside, Gen.
I take this phrase from Hoxie, Talking Back to Civilization. See also Hertzberg, The Search for an American Indian Identity, 22; Maddox, Citizen Indians, 3, 13–14; Holm, Great Confusion in Indian Affairs, 52–53, 58; Martínez, ...
Keith Ryan Cartwright brings to life the stories of such pioneers as Cleo Hearn, the first Black cowboy to professionally rope in the Rodeo Cowboy Association; Myrtis Dightman, who became known as the Jackie Robinson of Rodeo after being ...
Tracing the migrations of the Denisovans and their interbreeding with Neanderthals and early human populations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas, Andrew Collins and Greg Little explore how the new mental capabilities of the ...