The Jacksonian period has long been recognized as a watershed era in American Indian policy. Ronald N. Satz’s American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era uses the perspectives of both ethnohistory and public administration to analyze the formulation, execution, and results of government policies of the 1830s and 1840s. In doing so, he examines the differences between the rhetoric and the realities of those policies and furnishes a much-needed corrective to many simplistic stereo-types about Jacksonian Indian policy.
The successful conclusion of the War of 1812 ushered in a new age of American history: the Jacksonian era. This book explores the background, motives, and goals of political and social leaders who dominated this era.
Tennessee Indian tribes include: Cherokee, Creek, Shawnee, Chickasaw.
Lieutenant Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh Dana invoked the sobriquet when he wrote to his wife in early 1847 that, ''we 'doughboys' had to wait for the artillery to get their carriages over,'' Robert H. Ferrell, ed., Monterrey is Ours!
Chief Martin of Lac Courte Oreilles , who claimed he had never touched the pen " to sell lands before , also provided a communication to be shared with Commissioner Crawford . “ I & my brother chiefs refused to touch the pen , " Martin ...
A Pillar of Fire to Follow concerns the Indian dramas, a series of popular, nineteenth-century American melodramas that deal with the interaction of Indians and Anglo-Europeans. Priscilla Sears has analyzed...
In this work, the author examines the tension between liberty and power that both characterized the period and formed part of its historical legacy.
In Great Crossings: Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in the Age of Jackson, prize-winning historian Christina Snyder reinterprets the history of Jacksonian America.
John Norton, a Cherokee raised by the Mohawks who visited the Cherokees in 1816, recorded much geographic and ... dual biography of two missionaries who were with the Cherokees before and after removal, Champions of the Cherokees: Evan ...
The American Indian: Prehistory to the Present
Available in paperback for the first time, these three volumes represent the definitive biography of Andrew Jackson.