In the early years of his performing career, Will Rogers was a vaudeville performer of limited prominence. Around the age of thirty-five, however, this Oklahoma cowboy philosopher shed his role as local stage entertainer and moved toward fame as a Broadway star and nationally beloved humorist. This documentary history, volume four in the definitive five-volume Papers of Will Rogers, reveals Rogers’s personal and professional transformation during what may have been the most productive period of his diverse career. Between 1915 and 1928—the years covered by this volume—Rogers developed his unique monologues of topical humor, sampled the relatively new medium of radio, and pursued a career in silent films. He also tried his voice in sound recordings, witnessed his work as a writer reach millions of readers of daily newspapers, became one of the most sought-after speakers on the dinner circuit, and embarked on a three-year tour of the nation’s lecture halls. In addition to Rogers’s personal correspondence with family members and friends, editors Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson present more than one hundred letters and telegrams to and from people Rogers touched both inside and outside public life, including prominent figures in politics, show business, literature, industry, government, publishing, and the arts. Much of this material, gleaned from private collections, interviews, manuscripts, and sound recordings, has never before been published.
Telegram Ziegfeld to Rogers, October 26, 1925, vol. 4, The Papers of Will Rogers: From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915–July 1928, eds. Steven A. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2005), ...
... his articles submitted through the McNaught Syndicate VOLUME 5 Gragert, Steven K., and M. Jane Johansson (Eds.), The Papers of Will Rogers, The Final Years, August 1928 – August 1935, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 2006.
In his syndicated daily column on August 9, 1935, Rogers wrote from Juneau, Alaska Territory, “The Governor is a nice ... The Papers of Will Rogers: From the Broadway Stage to the National Stage, Volume Four, September 1915–July 1928.
To Philip Weinstein's point in “'Make It New': Faulkner and Modernism,” in A Companion to William Faulknered. Richard C. Moreland (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007), that Faulkner's “gifts” as a modernist pointed him not to contemporaneous ...
... Sciences did not officially adopt the nickname “Oscar” until 1939. 3. Will Rogers, “Notes for Remarks ca. 16 Mar. 1934, Los Angeles, Calif,” in The Papers of Will Rogers: The Final Years, Volume Five, August 1928–August 1935, eds.
6 Rogers, Will Rogers, 185. 7 Will Rogers, The Papers of Will Rogers, ed. Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson, vol. 4, From the Broadway Stage to the National Stage: September 1915–July 1928 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press ...
Lytton, C. (2017, June 8). Alec Baldwin: “Trump is the first presidential candidate made of ... The papers of Will Rogers: From the Broadway stage to the national stage, September 1915-July 1928. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
92–104. Morse, M. (1988) 'Artemis Aging: Exercise and the Female Body on Video', Discourse, 10(1), pp. 20–53. Rogers, W. (2005) The Papers of Will Rogers: From the Broadway Stage to the National Stage, September 1915–July 1928 (Norman: ...
... and Frank Blair, eds., The Papers of Will Rogers, Volume 4, From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915—July 1928 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c1996–c2006), 255. Sharp, David Lloyd George, 194–195.
Except for the fact that the whole room is “ stiff with enchantments , ” the city Digory and Polly are in could as well be the ruins of an ancient city in our world . In the Hall of Images they find a little golden bell and hammer on a ...