A social history of New Mexico’s “Atomic City” Los Alamos, New Mexico, birthplace of the Atomic Age, is the community that revolutionized modern weaponry and science. An “instant city,” created in 1943, Los Alamos quickly grew to accommodate six thousand people—scientists and experts who came to work in the top-secret laboratories, others drawn by jobs in support industries, and the families. How these people, as a community, faced both the fevered rush to create an atomic bomb and the intensity of the subsequent cold-war era is the focus of Jon Hunner’s fascinating narrative history. Much has been written about scientific developments at Los Alamos, but until this book little has been said about the community that fostered them. Using government records and the personal accounts of early residents, Inventing Los Alamos, traces the evolution of the town during its first fifteen years as home to a national laboratory and documents the town’s creation, the lives of the families who lived there, and the impact of this small community on the Atomic Age.
The preeminent atomic historian, Richard Rhodes, wrote the enthralling The Making of the Atoniie Bonih (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), which won a Pulitzer Prize, and then extended the story about nuclear weapons with Dark Sun: ...
As the author herself put it, this is "the lives of men and women who lived and worked in grim secrecy to hasten the end of the war." It is...
Zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der Informatik (Milestones in Analog and Digital Computing. Contributions to the History of Mathematics and Information Technology), de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 850 p (2015) 2. Bruderer, H.: Computing ...
Physics World 12 (November 1999): 27–32. Righter, Robert. Wind Energy in America: A History. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996. Ritter, Harry. Dictionary of Concepts in History. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1986. Rivett, Sarah.
8. Betty Shouse and Marjorie Miller, “Open City,” New Mexico Magazine, January 1958, 21–22. 9. Clarfield and Wiecek, Nuclear America, 204. 10. Fisher, Los Alamos Experience, 91. 11. Hunner, Inventing Los Alamos, 188. 12.
Cynthia Lynn Lyerly and Kevin Kenny, as members of my dissertation committee, pressed me to bring real precision to this comparative analysis. The History Department at Boston College also lent its support through a dissertation ...
Walker, Mark, German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power, 1939–49 (Cambridge, 1989). ———, 'Legendenum die deutsche Atombombe', Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 38. 1 (1990), 45–74. ———, Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, ...
As cited in Hunner, Inventing Los Alamos, Kindle edition, chap. 3. Childers, Size of the Risk, Kindle edition, chap. 2, 19n. A. Costandina Titus, Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics (Reno: University of Nevada ...
100 Inventions That Shaped the World from the Airplane to the Zipper Stephen van Dulken ... Books arranged alphabetically by invention The Guinness Book of innovations : the 20th century from aerosol to zip . G. Tibballs .
Of course, the human toll represented only part of the devastation; global environments also suffered greatly. The growth and devastation of the Second World War significantly changed American landscapes as well.