This work, naming 4,000 related individuals, contains the lineages of about fifty families, the main branches of which were located in Virginia, Maryland, and North and South Carolina.
1824 Maria Morris and And. Slaughter — May 5. 1824 Parthenia .Morris and Absalom Walls — Feb. 29. 1824 Boxalena Morris and Joel Alexander — June 7. 1824 James C. Morris and Polly Webster. 1832 Letitia • Morris and Norris Whittaker.
... and Virginia-Ann Botts. 32. John Minor Botts, born September 16, 1802, in Dumfries, Prince William County, died January 7, 1869 ; congressman, lawyer, author ; married Mary- Whiting, daughter of Archibald and Mary (Whiting) Blair.
Genealogies of Virginia Families: From Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine: Pinkethman-Tyler
... 284 Tilden, Ethalinda, 243 Timberlake, Ann, 259 Timberlake, Henry, 103 Timberlake, Mr., 259 Tobin, Daniel G., 342 Tobin, Ellen, 342 Tobin, Fanny (Jack), ...
From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine.
Issue among others, Mary Herbert Cocke married Richard H. Smith (V. H. G. ), and Anne Hayes Cocke married his brother Alexander Hall Smith and Virginia Peterson Cocke married William Edward Smith, first cousin to Richard H. Smith.
... 551 , 577 , 596 , 597 , 607 , 649,677 , 679,682 , 683 , 688 ; Walter 162 ; Capt . 333 . Harrison , Benjamin 193 , 447 , 656 , 673 , 707 ; Elizabeth Hill 265 ; Geo . ... Hartwell , Henry 618 ; Secty . 103 . Harvey , Giles 410 ; Gov.
5 v. : v. 1. Adams-Chiles-- v. 2. Claiborn-Fitzhugh--v. 3. Fleet-Hayes--v. 4. Healy-Pryor--v. 5. Randolph-Zouch.
Genealogies of Virginia Families from the William and Mary College Quarterly: Cobb-Hay
5 v. : v. 1. Adams-Chiles-- v. 2. Claiborn-Fitzhugh--v. 3. Fleet-Hayes--v. 4. Healy-Pryor--v. 5. Randolph-Zouch.