In 1746 an act was passed by the General Assembly of Rhode Island requiring that all freemen take an oath against bribery and corruption. When the act was complied with in the following year, it effectively created a census of freemen. This present work contains an alphabetical list of 4,199 Rhode Island freemen for the years 1747-1755, giving the town of residence and the date the individual was created a freeman.
Birch, T. L.; ord. in Ir.; 1801; W.Pa. Black, John; Co. Antrim; 1797; W.Pa.; ... Bratton, Thomas; 1711; Md. Brown, John; a. 1749; Va., Ky. ... Cannon, John; 1788; S.C. Campbell, Alexander; 1809; W.Va., Tenn., Ky.; with his father, Rev.
He entitled his compilation, “Rhode Island Freemen, 1747-1755 A Census of Registered Voters.” Being a freeman in Rhode Island was very different from what it was in Massachusetts, where there were strict religious requirements and a ...
This new book, Researching Your Colonial New England Ancestors, leads genealogists to a time when their forebears were under the rule of the English crown, blazing their way in that uncharted territory.
The surprise of The Poison Plot, however, is not the outrageous acts of Mary or the peculiar fact that attempted murder was not a convictable offense in Rhode Island.
Oliver, Food in Colonial and Federal America, 186. For a discussion of colonial bread making, see Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Good Wives Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England 1650–1750, 2nd ed.
... 1979) Inventory of Vital Statistics Within Each County (Historical Records Survey) Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790 (Reprint: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1968) Pennsylvania Vital Records From the Pennsylvania Genealogical ...
The availability of census records such as federal, state, and territorial census reports is covered in detail ... Vital records are also discussed, including when and where they were kept and how"--Publisher decription.
Fitts also examines the plantation landscape as a site of symbolic contestation and includes a chapter on slave names. (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 1995; revised with new preface)