The series of articles entitled "Virginia Gleanings in England" originally appeared in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. The complete "Virginia Gleanings" series, assembled here in book form, comprises some eighty-five articles, the bulk of them contributed by Lothrop Withington from his post in London. The "gleanings" consist of abstracts of English wills and administrations relating to Virginia and Virginians and bear reference to heirs and issue, family members, administrators, property, bequests, places of residence, and dates of emigration, shedding light on the English origins of Virginia families of the 17th and 18th centuries, and naming some 15,000 persons in passing. These family "gleanings" are furthermore extended backwards and forwards in a remarkable series of textual annotations.
Genealogies of Virginia Families from "The William and Mary College Quarterly": With "Virginia Gleanings in England"
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
Furthermore, as John T. Hassam noted in the Introduction to the work, "These pages contain wills relating not only to New England families, but to those of Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and the West Indies.
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
109 3.1.1: Sir Hugo fillius Henrici and Sir Angerus fillius Henrici were the sons of Andrew, son of Henry Bell (unknown ancestors of Ascham married Agnes Brogan about 1245), who was connected with the Convent and Priory, and; ...
Papenfuse Biog. Dict. of theMaryland Legislature1635–1789 2 (1985): 551 (biog. of Vincent Lowe). Christou & Wright Col. Fams. of the Eastern Shore of Maryland 4 (1998): 161–170. Barnes British Roots of Maryland Fams. 1 (1999): 296–299.
1878 ) 365 ; John Bateman , The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland , 4th ed . ... Bence - Jones , Irish Country Houses , 286 ; The Knight of Glin et al . , Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland ( [ Dublin , ] 1988 ) 136 . 22.