Deriving from two volumes of court order books--the oldest extant records of Surry County--this work consists of abstracts of court proceedings and legal transactions and includes recordings of deeds, inventories, coroners' inquests, powers of attorney, and bills of sale. In short, this work encompasses all the public records of the newly created county, doubtless embracing references to some 6,000 persons listed in the index.
Ordered that the order binding Joseph Allen a free boy of colour to Dan'l Hollenback be rescinded and that the overseers of the poor do bind said boy who was two years old last March to Mich'l Baker according to law. Page 345.
... A. Mathis to Susan Mathis [proved] by Wm Gray. j Noah Jarvis to R. Maberry [proved by] S.S. Goforth. k Wm Church to H. Yates [proved by] W. Fletcher. l Jno Powal [Powell] to Wm Blackburn acknowledged. [Wilkes Deed T:255 (1858)] m ...
This middle Tennessee county was created in 1803 from Davidson, Williamson & Wilson Counties. It is surrounded by the present day counties of: Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Davidson, Marshall, Williamson, & Wilson counties.
County Court Records, 1821-1835, Floyd County, Kentucky
Fut present Jehan Le Clerc lequel gaiga et promist loyalment rendre et paier a Colin Le Moigne la somme de XXV s. t. a paier : V s. dedens huit jours et449 X s. a la Saint Michiel et les autrez X s. a la Toussains, le tout prochain ...
A Deed Joel Nelson to James Nelson [no acreage given] was duly Proven in Open Court by the Oath of WmA. ... for 30 Acres of Land was duly proven in open court by the Oath of Flud Fortner, and Ordered to be Registered. d 5.
Angus , William , 93 . of the Holy Blood in St. Annan ( Anand , Anande , Andrews , xxx . Annand ) , William , grandof the Holy Rood and son of Lawrence Boyce , Our Lady , 31 ; priest of , 3 , 8 , 11 , 156 , 159 , 161 , 69 .
T. Robbins took the Jail Bounds Ord that Thomas Robbins be Admited to the Jail Bounds with John Foster Security in the Case, Saml Fleming Assinee vs sd Robbins. k B. Pruet took the Oath of Insoly Ord that Benajah Pruet be Admitted to ...
A genealogy of the Fuller families of Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, and other southern states who are descendants of Captain William Fuller, an officer in Oliver Cromwell's army and later governor of Maryland.
Thomas Bird , Jonathan Robertson and William Tyson of Gosforth ( Cumb . ) ARCHD.CT.RICHMOND , Bird et al . appellant ( 1772 ] Will of Alice Richardson of Hall Bolton ( Cumb . ) 1777/1 James Donaldson c .