Moritz 27 Hanna Veron. 27 HAMMERS, Charlotte 50 Kalisch 58-0815 Olga 9 HAMMERSCHIDT, Whine 40 tfeu Schmidt 57-1416 Martin 7 HAMMERSCHLAG, A(m) 17 Bingen 60-1053 HAMMERSCHLAG, S. 21 Schlusselburg 58-0881 Moritz 25 HAMMERSCHLAG, Sim.
This book is written for these German Americans but also for others interested in history to find an answer why these early Germans left their Home country and ventured across the ocean.
... American antipolitical doctrine of , 80 ; antiritualism Johnson , Hildegard Binder , 156n.29 in , 9 ; in Brazil , 127-28 ... Robert M. , 62–65,88 Defense , 39 Malin , James C. , 156n.23 33 , 37-38 , 194 Germans in the New World.
Discusses reasons German people left their homeland to come to America, the experiences immigrants had in the new country, and the contributions this cultural group made to American society. Includes activities.
Put readers in the drivers seat with these interactive history books! Everything in these books happened to real people. And YOU CHOOSE the path you take and what you do next.
German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775 Aaron Spencer Fogleman ... Pennsylvania History, 41 (1974), 125–159, and Kenneth W. Keller, Rural Politics and the Collapse of Pennsylvania Federalism, ...
This book is written for these German Americans but also for others interested in history to find an answer why these early Germans left their Home country and ventured across the ocean.
This study reframes Civil War-era history, arguing that the Franco-Prussian War contributed to a dramatic pivot in Northern commitment to African-American rights.
A concise history of Germans in Minnesota including immigration patterns, the Catholic and Lutheran churches, cultural organizations, businesses, and politics, especially in the World War I years.
Imagined Homes: Soviet German Immigrants in Two Cities is a study of the social and cultural integration of two migrations of German speakers from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to Winnipeg, Canada in the late 1940s, and Bielefeld, ...
Adams, D. R., Jr. (1970), “Some Evidence on English and American Wage Rates, 1790–1830.” Journal ofEconomic History 30, 499–520. Bailyn, B. (1960), Education in the Forming ofAmerican Society. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina ...