A guide to church records held at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), but also lists church records held in local custody.
Finding Your Irish Ancestors: A Beginner's Guide is the ultimate resource to help you learn if the luck of the Irish is in your blood or not.
This revised and updated guide contains an overview of the Church of Ireland's administration and the records which it produced, a guide to published catalogues and printed editions of archives...
Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy
A primary aim of this book is to dispel the widely-held notion that most records of genealogical interest in Ireland were destroyed during the shelling of the Four Courts in Dublin on 28 June 1922, in which many important historical ...
Corish and SheehyÃ?Â?Ã?Â-s book provides historians and those interested in local history, with an accessible, practical introduction and guide to the records of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland dating...
The aim of this book is to outline their history, to asess the value of the evidence they provide, and explain how to use them"--Page 4 of cover
This book is designed as a practical guide for those who wish to access Church of Ireland records held in public repositories throughout the whole of Ireland. RefaussÃ?Â?Ã?Â? begins by...
How do you prepare, and do your best to insure research time is well spent? Start with this guide.
This book details the records of each of the 8 major Irish denominations and their value for family history, and for church and local history. The locations of the records of each church, and guidelines for their access, are provided.