Based on the vast collection of records in the National Archives, this edition includes all the latest internet developments, yet still covers all the traditional resources thoroughly. The National Archives...
In Tracing Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records, genealogist Chris Paton examines the most common records used by family historians in Scotland, ranging from the vital records kept by the state and the various churches, the ...
are and Rodel (St Callan's) on the Isle of Lewis have been recorded and indexed on the Highland Monumental Inscriptions site ( Elsewhere on Lewis, visit ...
This is a new edition of the bestselling guide to this increasingly popular pursuit.
"Whether you have some idea of how and where your ancestors lived or are at a total loss about how to start your search, renowned genealogist Anthony Adolph shows you how to unravel your family history, generation by generation, and how to ...
This book will help you uncover your Scottish heritage, from identifying your immigrant ancestor to tracking down records in the old country.
Indispensable step-by-step guide to discovering your Scottish origins.
At Dalziell, Lanarkshire, over 2,000 people were absent on census night, because 3rd April 1911 was a holiday. These people may appear in other parts of Scotland. 6.10 The Centre holds street indexes for certain large urban areas and ...
Graham S. Holton and Jack Winch, 2009 First edition published 2003 Edinburgh University Press Ltd 22 George Square, Edinburgh Typeset in Minion Pro by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and printed and ...
Tracing Your Rural Ancestors Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors Tracing Your Second World War Ancestors Tracing Your ... Tracing Your Tank Ancestors Tracing Your Textile Ancestors Tracing Your Twentieth-Century Ancestors Tracing Your Welsh ...