This resource for American genealogists details collections in German archives that enable researchers to discover and describe German families of the past. The archives are organized by geographical area, and federal and religious archives are also listed. Each entry contains information on an archive's jurisdiction, holdings, and services. The text is based upon a survey conducted by Brigham Young University's German Immigrant Ancestors Project. Annotation ♭2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Lethbridge: University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, 2004, p. 1 1 . 55 Both Catherine Hobbs and Barbara Craig have argued for a reconceptualisation of literary archival practice to foreground the active, interpretative role of the ...
Vo . , su fiio , Fernan Peres , escrivan ; Marcos Tome , don Bernabe , clerigo de Naharros , Ioha ... clerigo de la Torre de Perales ; et yo , Gil Peres , escrivan . Et yo , Mr. Peres , notario sobredicho , fuy presente et fiz escrevir ...
... Contemporary History SKIBIŃSKI , S. , History of Medieval Art SKURATOWICZ , J. , History of Modern Art STĘSZEWSKI , J. , Musicology STRZELCZYK , J. , Medieval History SUCHOCKI , W. , History of Modern Art SZULC , W. , Balkan Studies ...
Disaster Planning and Emergency Treatments in Museums, Art Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Allied Institutions
This report -- an overview of all the social metadata sites reviewed -- is one of three RLG Partner Social Metadata Working Group reports looking at the who, what, where, and whys of socially-contributed metadata.
To move beyond the project and experimental stage, LAM staff need to know how to incorporate the user-generated content generated by social media within their daily workflows.
Presents results of a survey conducted in October-November 2009 of managers of websites that support the creation of "social metadata," the content generated from certain "social media" features (e.g., tagging, comments, reviews, images, ...
Francisco Javier Pérez Rodríguez. Adosinda Muniz, muller de Johannes Muniz. 750. ... Affonsus Perez, escudeyro de Riatelo, fillo de Pedro Diaz, cavaleyro. 475. ... Afonso VII, emperador de Castela e León. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, ...
The Revolt of the Bees
Our Collection