"This book contains the names and evidence of service of the Virginians who were in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps in the American Revolution."--Preface
"This book contains the names and evidence of service of the Virginians who were in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps in the American Revolution."--Pref.
Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution
The Revolutionary War soldiers identified in this work lived at one time or another in what is now the State of West Virginia, their military duties having been discharged in the service of other states.
A Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812
History of the Rise, Progress V2
Using more than a thousand eyewitness records, Liberty Is Sweet is a “spirited account” (Gordon S. Wood, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Radicalism of the American Revolution) that explores countless connections between the ...
SMALLWOOD, Hebron. 1755-d.p. 1833. Pvt., enl. 1777 in Williamsburg in John Triplett's Co., Col. Wm. Brent's Regt. Transferred to Cont. Line. • SMITH, Andrew. Pvt., Elias Edmonds' Co., 1st Va. State Regt. ot Artillery SMITH, Augustine.
James O'Neal Born: in Ireland Martha McCloud Born: in Ireland Rebecca O'Neal Born: 01 Dec 1802 in Eastern Tennessee Midget Brooks Born: 1797 in Eastern Tennessee Died: 25 Dec 1870 in Cottonwood Point, Pemiscot Co., Mo Died: 03 Feb 1875 ...
A narrative analysis of the complex evolution of the Continental Army, with the lineages of the 177 individual units that comprised the Army, and fourteen charts depicting regimental organization.
Theodore P. Savas, J. David Dameron. When he spotted them again moving toward ... As the battle raged, Stark moved out of his camp with the balance of his men (about 1,200) down the Bennington Road. Within two hours the Hessians within ...