The Adoption & Donor Conception Factbook: The Most Comprehensive Source of U.S. & Global Data on the Invisible Families of...

The Adoption & Donor Conception Factbook: The Most Comprehensive Source of U.S. & Global Data on the Invisible Families of...
Lori Carangelo


Present and Past Generations of Adoptees, Parents, Adopters, Donors, Donor Offspring, Surrogates, Gay/Lesbian Parents, Special Interests - The book provides answers to HOW MANY? WHO ARE THEY? AT WHAT COST? ... and more. There are striking similarities, but also unexpected differences, between Adoptees and Donor Offspring, and those raised by their Biological Parents -- unexpected perhaps because data is scarce or has often been skewed by?selective definition,? An example of?selective definition? is President Bill Clinton?s famous comment,?I did NOT have sex with that woman,? according to his own inventive definition of?sexual relations.? Or, as Mark Twain said:?There are three kinds of lies? lies, damned lies, and statistics.? This book is an?at a glance? resource for researchers, helping professionals, activists, lawmakers, journalists, students composing dissertations, other writers, genealogists and anyone interested in knowing the facts about America?s most secretive, multi-billion dollar, Adoption, Assisted Reproduction, and Foster Care industries. Negative data about these industries, or about the outcomes of the people they claim to serve, not only discredits long held beliefs formed from slick marketing, but also can adversely affect their political and financial interests and so?disinformation? has been a hallmark of their continued growth. As with many major industries, new terminology describes their products --?Adoptees, Birth Parents, Adoptive Parent or Adopters, Donors, Donor Offspring, Parents by Estoppel, DeFacto Parents, Foster Parents, Intended Parents, Custody Evaluators,? etc. Chapters about each of these groups begin with an explanation of the Legal or Political terms and endeavors to answer?How Many? Who Are They? and At What Cost?? Because the terms represent people, they are capitalized as one would capitalize a person?s name, and they are given?voice.? Sources are indicated immediately following each statistic, study, or statement, rather than footnoting. The Bibliography details shorter cites, and the extensive Index may further assist researchers.--Americans For Open Records.

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