Discover the use of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool -- used throughout the centuries in many different cultures -- to find meditation, focus, peace, and wholeness. Includes a complete guide to crafting personal labyrinths for spiritual growth, as well as a dictionary of essential symbols and patterns.
Lauren Artress reintroduces the ancient labyrinth, a walking meditation that trancends the limits of still meditation, and shows us the possibilities it brings for renewal and change.
This guide explains how the labyrinth is a symbol that transcends traditions, and how walking its path brings us together.
It is one of the most ancient tools for spiritual growth and development, dating back to medieval Christianity. This book provides a guide for beginner and seasoned explorer alike.
A Practice as Compared to a Discipline a Walking the labyrinth is a practice , not necessarily a discipline . ... In fact , the discipline that their practice teaches helps quiet their mind throughout the walk , whereas others who have ...
And the Minotaur, the dreadful monster at the end of the maze—she had brought the Minotaur with her. Fentrice. Fentrice was silent, concentrating. The lines of force drew together, warping around her and Thorne. Suddenly Thorne stumbled ...
... hanging on every word, waiting for it. Hanging on every word, we have waited for it. And behind the question is the deeper question, the one that cuts to the quick. Who am I? Peter answers the only answer left to give, the only one that ...
Brings back the ancient tool of using labyrinths into modern day-consciousness and identifies how the practice can be used to bolster creativity, gain access to intuition, and achieve a deeper spirituality.
This innovative book is filled with information for newcomers to the labyrinth, and provides guidance on how to make, commission, or improvize a labyrinth (including for use in the home).
Diana Ng, like most people, wants peace and possibilities in today's frantic world.
The first time Helen Curry walked a labyrinth she was moved to tears and then "was filled with peace and possibilities.