Traces the history of the highly trained, elite combat units used throughout the world, discussing how the units have evolved over time and how they have impacted military actions.
At stake are a series of photos said to depict the KGB murder of American POWs--and the success of a lucrative, secret oil deal. The perfect soldier--and pawn--Major Ritter stands on the firing line.
This book is the diary of an American soldier in World War II in the Italian Campaign.
Perfect Soldier
The Lone Soldier, Book 1: Revelation shares the story of Bane, the perfect soldier.
Molly Jordan's life changed forever when her son stepped off an Angolan road and into a minefield.
With brilliant reporting and thoughtful analysis, McDermott brings us a clearer, more nuanced, and in some ways more frightening, understanding of the landmark event of our time. “The very best [book] available . . . on the subject.” ...
Thomas Duncan: The Perfect Soldier
The Making of Perfect Soldiers
This book is the outcome of an idea, and the idea is very simple.
Raider is the true story of the legendary soldier who performed more POW raids than any other American in history.