Covers defensive strategies, interferences, ways of counting the hand, extra trump tricks, falsecarding, and lead-directing doubles
This book is designed to give a comprehensive view of the rules of play for advanced bridge and for no-trump contracts.
This book is designed to give a comprehensive and systematic view of the rules of play for advanced bridge.
Continues where the first book left off with valuable information on counting, refining your bidding technique and advanced declarer play.
Tricks of the Trade: Strategic Thinking for Advanced Bridge
An expert guide to playing bridge at intermediate and advanced level, with world-class tips shown in 250 photographs and diagrams
"An up-to-date presentation of the two-over-one game forcing bidding system used by the top players in the world, including upgrades and refinements"--Cover.
Learn Advanced Bridge strategies for setting up Simple and Double Squeezes. Squeezes and Endplays often work together to make winning possible. This book includes 12-hands to illustrate the concepts.
Covers leads, signaling, second- and third-hand play, and discarding, and includes practice hands and quizzes
Excerpt from Advanced Bridge: The Higher Principles of the Game Analysed and Explained, and Their Application Illustrated by Hands Taken From Actual Play The present work is an attempt to supply these deficiencies; this volume is intended ...