This comprehensive and thoroughly engaging reference examines the origins and meanings of thousands of first and last names, presented alphabetically. It also lists the 40 most popular male and female given names in the United States since 1930; the 1,000 most commonly found family names in the U.S. organized according to popularity; and the top 100 family names in each of the 50 states. An indispensable encyclopedia for anyone interested in looking up his or her name or finding one for a baby.
DONALD (Celtic) Ruler of world VARIATIONS: Donahue, Donner, Donovan, MacDonald NICKNAMES: Don, Donnie, Donny DOUGLAS (Gaelic) Dark water VARIATIONS: Dougal, Douglass NICKNAMES: Doogie, Doug, Dougie, Dougy, Duggie DOV (Hebrew) Bear ...
Tho Vietnamese Male personal Thorn Vietnamese Female personal Thongchai Thai Male personal 1 Thu Vietnamese Male & Female personal, Family name Thuan Vietnamese Male personal & Family name Thuc Vietnamese Family name Thufayel Muslim ...
... Salomo, Salomon, Salomone, Shalmon, Sol, Solaman, Sollie, Soloman Solt (Hungarian) One who is honored Solte Solyom (Hungarian) Resembling a falcon Somansh (Indian) Born beneath the half moon Somanshe, Somanshi, Somanshie, Somanshy, ...
Scottish Surnames
... nahn ] Sweetheart . mw ( Gaelic ) Lennon : [ Lehn - nuhn ) is ' Leannan ' ( OE ) Leela : ( Lee - lah ] ' Lilac ' Color . Romantic Beauty . w ( Hindi ) Leigh : [ Lee ) Healer , Physician . m ( Gaelic ) Leighton : [ Lay - tuhn ) Town ...
What's your vampire name? Are you and your crush really meant to be? Compare names and see! The book also comes with everything you need to make five fashionable charms and personalise them with your name or initials.
Nalor, Nallor, Naylur. Nazareno Spanish form of Nazarius. Nazarius Latin; 'the aloof , Nazar. Neal Irish; 'champion'. Neale, Neil, Nealey, Nial. Ned Nehemiah Nelson Neptune Nergal Nestor Neville N evlin Newton 97 N ...
Karen ( 124 ) Danish form of Katherine . Karen Allen , Karen Valentine ( actresses ) ; Karen Carpenter ( singer ) , Karen Horney ( psychoanalyst ) . Caren , Carin , Caryn , Kari , Karin . Kari ( 263 ) Norwegian form of Karen or ...
... Comfortyne , Comfortyna , Comforteene , Comforteena , Comfortene , Comfortena , Comfortiene , Comfortiena , Comforteine , Comforteina , Comforteane , Comforteana Colby ( English ) From the coal town Colbey , Colbi , Colbie , Colbee ...
Dim : Win , Winnie , Winny . WOLCOTT Old English : “ from Wolfe's cottage . ” Var : Woolcott . WOLFE Teutonic : " wolf . ” Var : Wolf . WOLFGANG Teutonic : “ path of the wolf . ” Dim : Wolf , Wolfe . WOLFRAM Teutonic : " wolf raven .