Explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic and historical context In this illuminating work, immigrant rights activist Aviva Chomsky shows how “illegality” and “undocumentedness” are concepts that were created to exclude and exploit. With a focus on US policy, she probes how people, especially Mexican and Central Americans, have been assigned this status—and to what ends. Blending history with human drama, Chomsky explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic, and historical context. The result is a powerful testament of the complex, contradictory, and ever-shifting nature of status in America.
No one who reads this story of a brilliant young man and his proud mother will automatically equate undocumented immigrant with idle parasite.
Domestic Violence Domestic violence is the exertion of intentional intimidation, assault, battery or other abusive behaviors over a household member or intimate partner in order to gain power and control over the individual. The abuse ...
Through these stories we come to understand what it truly means to be a stray. An expendable. A hero. An American.
Ultimately, N.'s is the story of the triumph of education over adversity. In Illegal, he debunks the stereotype that undocumented immigrants are freeloaders without access to education or opportunity for advancement.
unreasonable government; it is a departure from the rule of law, in favour of rule by the mere will of the rulers. (p. ... In order to deepen our understanding of this realm of arbitrary law, it's worth examining Wright (2010), ...
Rincon reviews the struggle by undocumented immigrant students to gain access to college by paying in-state tuition rates. These efforts, which have been successful in ten states, can be characterized...
This is must reading for anyone wishing to understand the realities of contemporary immigration."—Alejandro Portes, coauthor of Immigrant America "This extraordinary study provides important details about a generation of immigrants that, ...
Drawing on a range of life narratives published from 2001 to 2016, this book explores how undocumented migrants have represented themselves in various narrative forms in the context of the DREAM Act and the Deferred Action for Childhood ...
The book's findings are based on data from a three-year study of 380 infants from Dominican, Mexican, Chinese, and African American families, which included in-depth interviews, in-home child assessments, and parent surveys.
Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law Angela S. García ... Though a pickup truck was more suited to his line of work, Andrés drove a nondescript 2007 Nissan Sentra that he washed and vacuumed every Sunday afternoon in ...