"The inside story of an extraordinary politics you probably didn't know existed--ordinary Americans getting together and acquiring real power for themselves." --William Greider, national correspondent, The Nation
A New York city neighborhood once called "the beginning of the end of civilization" is where Michael Gecan starts. Hired by residents to help them save their community, he and local leaders spend more than a decade wrestling New York politicians in an impassioned effort against all odds that brings in five thousand new homes.
From bad behavior by Ed Koch to complicated negotiations with Rudy Giuliani, Gecan tells the inside story of how the city really works, and how any organized group of citizens can wield power in seemingly unmovable bureaucracies.
Gecan's unwavering vision of the value of public action has roots in a rough childhood in Chicago, where he witnessed extortion by the mob and a tragic fire in his Catholic grade school that left ninety-two children and three nuns dead.
In his inspiring story of the will to claim the full benefits of citizenship, Gecan offers unforgettable lessons that every American should know: What is the best way to talk to politicians? What resources do all communities need to create change? What kinds of public actions really work?
"If you want to know how ordinary Americans accomplished extraordinary things--built affordable homes, created effective schools, won living wages--then the story and the strategy reside in this remarkable book. Going Public is at once pragmatic and profound." --Samuel G. Freedman, author of Upon This Rock: The Miracles of a Black Church
Michael Gecan has been an organizer for twenty years. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey.
-- Writing beyond the academy -- Telling stories about your research -- Books for general audiences -- The digital turn -- Building an audience -- The perils of going public -- Making it count, making a difference
Of course , the converse is also true : falsely imposing unit betas in a rising market will impart an upward bias in performance estimates if true betas are greater than one . Which way the bias will go in practice depends on the ...
Samuel Kernell shows how "going public" remains a potent weapon in the president’s arsenal, both for advancing his own agenda and blocking initiatives from his political adversaries in Congress.
Engrossing and important, this book offers critical recommendations for policy changes that will create healthy, free-functioning markets and help Americans better prepare for the inevitable next crisis. “Norm Champ has written a truly ...
The Internet is the first widely available vehicle for entrepreneurs to obtain international exposure for Direct Public Offerings, at a much lower cost than traditional methods.This is the definitive bible for CEOs, members of the IPO team, ...
Following his recent books Art Power and The Communist Postscript, in Going Public Boris Groys looks to escape entrenched aesthetic and sociological understandings of art--which always assume the position of the spectator, of the consumer.
(That's a phrase wepickedup from Karen Mains's excellent book Making Sunday Special.1) “Were there any moments when you felt that God spoke to you, either directly or indirectly?” Too many churches across our country schedule their ...
This reference provides securities practitioners with guidance to the process of a company's going public and being a public company. It covers public financing from the initiation of the underwriting...
The neighbouring hamlet of Rockwood in the pre-amalgamation township of Eramosa– until then a sleepy farming community with a population of about two thousand–had just staged a remarkable community play project confronting what locally ...
Initial Public Offerings: A Practical Guide to Going Public