Twenty completely new stories of negotiating the triumphs and challenges of being an LGBT educator in the twenty-first century For more than twenty years, the One Teacher in Ten series has served as an invaluable source of strength and inspiration for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender educators. This all-new edition brings together stories from across America—and around the world—resulting in a rich tapestry of varied experiences. From a teacher who feels he must remain closeted in the comparative safety of New York City public schools to teachers who are out in places as far afield as South Africa and China, the teachers and school administrators in One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium prove that LGBT educators are as diverse and complex as humanity itself. Voices largely absent from the first two editions—including transgender people, people of color, teachers working in rural districts, and educators from outside the United States—feature prominently in this new collection, providing a fuller and deeper understanding of the triumphs and challenges of being an LGBT teacher today.
In J. Phillion, M. F. He, & F. M. Connelly (Eds.), Narrative & experience in multicultural education (pp. 175–199). Sage. ... In C. A. Grant & C. E. Sleeter (Eds.), Doing multicultural education for achievement and equity (pp. 10–17).
This volume is of interest to teachers, teacher educators, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders in all developed and developing countries.
Constructing a personal orientation to music teaching. New York, NY: Routledge. doi:10.1080/14613808.2011.554219 Campbell, P. S., Demorest, S. M., & Morrison, S.J. (2008). Musician and teacher: An orientation to music education.
From the dress-up corner to the senior prom: Navigating gender and sexuality diversity in preK-12 schools. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education. Cannon, S., & Best, T. (Eds.). (2015). Schools transgender guidance (Rev. ed.).
Written for entry-level survey courses in queer or LGBTQ+ Studies for students from all majors, this engaging text covers a wide range of topics.
The Year of Needy Girls is an intelligent and captivating read that will spur readers to question their own truths.”—VA Living Magazine “Smith conveys the impact of this prejudicial hostility on two young women who are struggling to ...
Educating through Popular Culture is a tool for educators at all levels to improve their practice via popular culture in ways that both embrace and resist contemporary thinking.
... One Teacher in Ten in the New Millennium: LGBT Educators Speak Out About What's Gotten Better . . . and What Hasn't 12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today Learning a New Land Author Beverly Daniel Tatum David K ...
... teacher in 10: Gay and lesbian educators tell their stories. Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Publications. Jennings, K. (2005). One teacher in 10: LGBT educators share their stories. Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Publications. Jennings, K. (2015). One ...
This user-friendly resource for administrators and teachers explores the ten characteristics that lead to success in the classroom, increased school morale, satisfied parents and eager, high-achieving students.