In his masterpiece, Jefferson Davis, American, William J. Cooper, Jr., crafted a sweeping, definitive biography and established himself as the foremost scholar on the intriguing Confederate president. Cooper narrows his focus considerably in Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era, training his expert eye specifically on Davis's participation in and influence on events central to the American Civil War. Nine self-contained essays address how Davis reacted to and dealt with a variety of issues that were key to the coming of the war, the war itself, or in memorializing the war, sharply illuminating Davis's role during those turbulent years. Cooper opens with an analysis of Davis as an antebellum politician, challenging the standard view of Davis as either a dogmatic priest of principle or an inept bureaucrat. Next, he looks closely at Davis's complex association with secession, which included, surprisingly, a profound devotion to the Union. Six studies explore Davis and the Confederate experience, with topics including states' rights, the politics of command and strategic decisions, Davis in the role of war leader, the war in the West, and the meaning of the war. The final essay compares and contrasts Davis's first inauguration in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1861 with a little-known dedication of a monument to Confederate soldiers in the same city twenty-five years later. In 1886, Davis -- an old man of seventy-eight and in poor health -- had himself become a living monument, Cooper explains, and was an essential element in the formation of the Lost Cause ideology. Cooper's succinct interpretations provide straightforward, compact, and deceptively deep new approaches to understanding Davis during the most critical time in his life. Certain to stimulate further thought and spark debate, Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era offers rare insight into one of American history's most complicated and provocative figures.
This title tells the story of Jefferson Davis's life, the only president of the Southern States during their secession from the Union.
Felicity Allen , Jefferson Davis , Unconquerable Heart ( Columbia : University of Missouri Press , 1999 ) , 103 . 5. Cooper , Jefferson Davis , American , 233–34 ; Lynda Lasswell Crist , “ Jefferson Davis , " in Encyclopedia of the ...
Explores Jefferson Davis's leadership as commander in chief of the Confederacy while discussing such topics as his military prowess and effective partnership with Robert E. Lee.
William J. Cooper, Jr. Buren “has the Confidence of our leading men here but they have no greater love for the man—they think him rather cold blooded!" North Carolina Congressman Romulus Saunders felt another Van Buren candidacy “all ...
This volume, the first of its kind, is a selected collection of his writings culled in large part from the authoritative Papers of Jefferson Davis, a multivolume edition of his letters and speeches published by the Louisiana State ...
Not so, argues James M. McPherson. In Embattled Rebel, McPherson shows us that Davis might have been on the wrong side of history, but it is too easy to diminish him because of his cause's failure.
Colonel Samuel Cooper had held the post just a few months when Davis arrived . Davis first met Cooper on his 1837 trip to Washington , and the high recommendation given then and later by Franklin Pierce was enough to win Cooper's esteem ...
In February 1861, Jefferson Davis told his wife that he had been elected president of the Confederacy.
William J. Cooper Gives Us a Fresh Perspective on the period between Abraham Lincoln's election in November 1860 and the firing on Fort Sumter in April 1861, during which all efforts to avoid or impede secession and prevent war failed.
This is their compelling story, including comparing the stark political events of their era to those being replayed across todays America. For more information about the book and/or the author please visit