... 271 Graeser , Bernard N. , 222 , 379 Grant , Ulysses S. , 278 Grason , John , 47 , 123 , 310 Green , Hanson T. C. ... 28-29 , 43 , 51 , 52 ; Virginia troops ' garrison in , 38 , 38n ; and Johnson , 79 ; Confederate troops mustered ...
It is equipped with a complete index and an index of sites. To make this guide even more valuable, more than ninety notable Marylanders of the Civil War who have been mentioned in the text receive short biographies in the appendix.
... Robert H., 719n1o Anderson, Andrew, 466 Anderson, George B., 112, 300, 323, 370,3721373—74 Anderson, George T., ... 539; Garden's, 362, 486; Grimes's, 443; Hart's, 273—75; Lane's, 615, 723n3, 766n19; Latimer's, 539; Lloyd's, 479, ...
J. Stanchak, “Behind the Lines,” Civil War Times Illustrated 24 (November 1985): 52. 77. Commager et al., America's Robert ... S. F. Horn, The Robert E. Lee Reader (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1949), 462. 92. Marshall, “A Soldier No Longer ...
W. Jones , After the Thunder ( Dallas : Taylor Publishing Co. , 2000 ) , 231 . 29. Lorant , The Life of Abraham Lincoln , 151 . ... E. Nichols , Toward Gettysburg ( New York : The Pennsylvania State University Press , 1958 ) , 184 . 68.
With rare archival illustrations, including over 150 prints and photographs, many in full color, the authors provide dramatic vignettes that capture the agony of this slave-holding state divided between North and South.
Ruffner, Maryland's Blue & Gray, 215. 56. Jack T. Hutchinson, “Number of Men Maryland Supplied to the Union and Confederate Armies,” MHM 63 (1968): 442–43. 57. An even greater disparity is found in the applications for bounties that the ...
CONTENTS: Introduction, Jean H. Baker and Charles W. Mitchell “Border State, Border War: Fighting for Freedom and Slavery in Antebellum Maryland,” Richard Bell “Charity Folks and the Ghosts of Slavery in Pre–Civil War Maryland,” ...
37. Letters of October 15, 1861, and March 19, 1862, George Landrum Letters, wrhs. 38. Gallman, Defining Duty in the Civil War. 39. Letter of May 16, 1861, Bradford and Wanzer, “Dearest Braddie,” 83. 40. Ruffner, Maryland's Blue & Gray.
Maryland Voices of the Civil War illuminates the human complexities of the Civil War era and the political realignment that enabled Marylanders to abolish slavery in their state before the end of the war.
Gallagher's and Col. Magilton's brigades moved in the same direction along the slope and in the ravine. The ground was of the most difficult character for the movement of troops, the hillside being very steep and rocky, and obstructed ...