Recognizing the responsibility institutions have to prepare teachers for today's diverse classrooms, Vavrus shows us how to incorporate transformative multicultural education into teacher education curriculum, pedagogy, and evaluation. Placing race, racism, antiracism, and democracy at the center of his analyses and recommendation, this volume provides: - Concrete structural suggestions for including transformative multicultural education in higher education and K-12 in-service programs. -A multicultural critique of new NCATE accreditation standards for teacher education programs that offers reconceptualized assessment procedures. -The historical roots of transformative multicultural education that incorporates issues of white privilege and racialized color blindness, anti-racist pedagogy, racial identity among teachers, and critical race theory. - A discussion of globalization that emphasizes its contemporary economic effects on social and educatonal inequities.
Doing multicultural education for achievement and equity (2nd ed.). Routledge. Greenfield, P. M., & Cocking, R. R. (2014). Cross-cultural roots of minority child development. Psychology Press. Guinier, L. (1994).
This book focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in literacy and language arts subject areas.
This book focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in social students and civic education subject areas.
This book focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in social students and civic education subject areas.
Soon after our arrests, María E. Sánchez was named Acting Chair and, in 1976, she was appointed Chair of the Puerto Rican Studies Department, a position she held with distinction until 1989 when she retired. Several years after assuming ...
I have found the expression of one such lesson embodied in my own writings , “ Soul Awakening : In Two Parts ” : Part One : nappy head , never go straight eyes dark , can never be blue skin like leather , brown from the sun that beats ...
"Drawing on Christine Sleeter's review of research on the academic and social impact of ethnic studies commissioned by the National Education Association, this book will examine the value and forms of teaching and researching ethnic studies ...
M E S , continued Teaching and Learning on the Verge S E Engaging the “Race Question” A C. D E M B Diversity and ... Transforming the Multicultural Education of Teachers M V Asians in the Ivory Tower R T. T Learning to Teach for Social ...
This volume seeks to engage PK–12 STEM teachers in the work of multicultural curriculum transformation by meeting them in the contexts in which they teach and equip them to continue the work of multicultural curriculum transformation on ...
How Teachers Cope with Social and Educational Transformation: Struggling with Multicultural Education in the Czech Classroom