In this breakthrough volume, the authors present an overview of Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory along with concrete examples that educators can use in their classroom with adult literacy students.
The author of the best-selling book Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom offers practical strategies for teaching reading and writing through multiple intelligences.
A little girl describes the many noises that can be heard inside and outside her house.
Divided into eight sections based on each intelligence, this book begins with a discussion of the intelligence, followed by a series of practical activities that promote literacy through the employment of that particular intelligence.
This exciting resource helps teachers capitalize on the individual strengths of their students to unlock the door to literacy.
Holistic approach to understanding and celebrating all the ways in which a child is intelligent. Suitable for schools, support workers and families, this resource offers support to children on their learning journey.
This new edition covers all developments since then and stands as the most thorough and up-to-date account of MI available anywhere.
There is an intricate literacy to Gardner's multiple intelligences theory that unlocks key entry points for differentiated learning.
Multiply your ways of using multiple intelligences in language teaching with this cutting-edge guidebook from the renowned language teacher and workshop presenter, Mary Ann Christison.
Multiple Intelligences: The Complete MI Book
Describes the challenges and difficulties of transforming a school into a Multiple Intelligences school, and provides advice for educators in making significant changes to curriculum, development, and assessment.