The author analyzes the way the girls discuss pleasure in becoming "the eye" of the reader, use film to decode the genres of literature, master forms such as fantasy and Gothic, describe the differences between reading and viewing films, and identify only with animal rather than human characters. Blackford intertwines the vivid voices of her girl respondents with her own story of moving beyond her feminist and multicultural assumptions of how children are shaped by the stories we tell in literature. This breakthrough text presents surprising findings about how girls appreciate literature and what they enjoy about reading.
Presents the efforts being made to search for intelligent life in the universe, discussing extoplanets, their characteristics, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or SETI project, and the Drake Equation, used to calculate the odds ...
In this volume we see not only a profound religious feeling, but also a sense of the dignity and responsibility of human life.
Space is a subject too grand for poetry or prose alone, so this book offers both to help readers truly appreciate our place in space.
Curious about what it’s like to walk on the moon? Wondering if someday you might meet an alien? Dreaming of becoming an astronaut? This fun, comprehensive book is bursting with all the cool things you ever wanted to know about space.
When a severe allergic illness dictates that she grow all her own food, Mary Swander finds herself living in a former one-room schoolhouse in the midst of the largest Amish community west of the Mississippi.
Um, so get this: Three weeks ago I, Rachel Bond, inherited a bed-and-breakfast. In Alaska. Just this morning I was in my warm bed in LA but now here I am, up north--and this is way north, like nosebleed north--sorting it all out.
During the past few years cosmologists have begun to develop new ideas, sometimes fantastic, that are beginning to shed light on such questions. In OUT OF THIS WORLD, Stephen Webb examines these amazing recent theories.
Out of this World: The Complete Book of Fantasy
The book includes a novella called "The Lost Suitcase," revolving around a famous anecdote about Hemingway's early work and how it came to be lost.
... record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Typeset in Monotype Baskerville by Andrea Stimpson Printed and bound in Great Britain by William Clowes Ltd , Beccles , Suffolk Contents Acknowledgements V Abbreviations ...