This powerful book examines the disproportionate placement of Black and Hispanic students in special education. The authors present compelling stories representing the range of experiences that culturally and linguistically diverse students are apt to face in school. They examine the children's experiences, their families, interactions with school personnel, the teachers, and schools' estimation of the children and their families, and the school climate that influences decisions about referrals. Based on the authors' work in a large, culturally diverse school district, the book concludes with recommendations for improving educational practice, teacher training, and policy renewal.
When students are placed in classrooms with less qualified teachers, their opportunity to learn is compromised and they are placed at greater risk for underachievement (Schneider, 1985), which, in turn, can result in referral to special ...
When Ms. Goddard is finished handing out papers, she comes over to go over the lesson with Austin. She reads the question to him and reminds him where he can find the answer in the book. Austin reads silently at his seat tracking words ...
This work explores the quadruple disadvantage faced by the parents of poor, minority, handicapped children whose first language is not that of the school that they attend.
Childhood disability, advocacy and inclusion in the Caribbean: A Trinidad and Tobago case study. Palgrave MacMillan. Harry, B., Allen, N., & McLaughlin, M. (1995). Communication versus compliance: African American parents' involvement ...
It examines the data on early childhood experience, on differences in educational opportunity, and on referral and placement. The book also considers whether disproportionate representation should be considered a problem.
The book addresses legal and resource implications, as well as parental participation in children's education.
Commissioned by The Civil Rights Project at Harvard, this text examines racial inequity in special education, with an emphasis on the experiences of African American children. Eleven contributions from educators...
This book will help prepare you to meet these requirements and find the solutions that will lead you to that success.
This book asks a question that many educators may think, but won’t say out loud: Does compliance with IDEA legislation matter?
Distinguishing Language Acquisition From Learning Disabilities John J. Hoover, Leonard M. Baca, Janette K. Klingner ... A handbook on bilingualism & second language learning (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks. Pearson. (2015).