With unprecedented scope and vision, Dr. Dai systematically redefines giftedness and proposes a new framework for the field of gifted education. He identifies nine essential tensions, revolving around three core questions: What do we know about the respective roles of natural ability, environment and experiences, and personal effort in talent development? How do we identify the gifted and talented, and study the process of gifted and talent development? And finally, how do we define the aims of gifted education and promote excellence? Sure to be a milestone in the field, this book:
The subject that is treated in this volume has engaged a large part of the attention, not only of psychologists and educationists but also of laymen. It is argued that...
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
All such 'outliers' face limits, potentials, and choices. What they do in the face of these is key.
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
The book is designed as the primary text for courses that consider the nature of giftedness. It offers a strong introduction to the study of gifted education, and is accessible...
This exciting book challenges old assumptions and offers promising new insights into the nature and special needs of gifted children in the early years.
Responding directly to current thinking in education, this book raises practitioners' expectations, and shows you how to identify children in your class as gifted and talented.
This comprehensive volume explores the origins, development, and applications for Françoys Gagné’s Differentiating Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT).
In analyzing the use of a teacher checklist in assessing eligible students for admittance to a gifted and talented ... professional development, Marshak (2001) examined the improvement of teaching in the high school block period.
The first edition of this popular reference work was published in 1993 and received critical acclaim for its achievement in bringing together international perspectives on research and development in giftedness and talent.