Morgan made arrangements with her principal to work with two 5th-grade teachers in another building who believe that students should read and learn through the Internet to develop “new literacies” (Leu, Forzani, & Kennedy, 2014).
This fieldbook provides a plan for improving literacy for all students; students who enjoy reading become better writers, more involved learners, and joyful readers!
Bringing together leading experts, this book presents the principles of effective literacy leadership and describes proven methods for improving instruction, assessment, and schoolwide professional development.
This authoritative text and practitioner resource has now been extensively revised and expanded with 70% new material covering new topics and standards in literacy leadership.
Featuring real-world examples, practical strategies, and interviews with successful leaders, this resource helps educational leaders implement actions that drive second-order change and increase student achievement!
Book Reading with Meaning, Debbie Miller I Read It, but I Don't Get It, Cris Tovani Still Learning to Read, Franki Sibberson and Karen Szymusiak This group wanted more examples of explicit instruction so I used multiple video examples ...
This book brings the work of the Change Leadership Group to a broader audience, providing a framework to analyze the work of school change and exercises that guide educators through the development of their practice as agents of change.
Grounded in research and an evidence-based approach, this handbook guides school leaders in successfully implementing literacy coaching, with a systematic process for teachers, administrators, and students.
Scattered throughout the book are “Quick Wins”--ideas and actions that can yield positive, affirming results while tackling the tough work of long-term change.
This book offers teachers and leaders a clear, detailed blueprint for implementing Student-Engaged Assessment, including a wealth of videos that demonstrate core practices in action.
Murphy, J. (2002). Reculturing the profession of educational leadership: New blueprints. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38, 176–191. Murphy, J. (2006). Some thoughts on rethinking the pre-service education of school leaders.