With lots of examples and color images, this resource is both a foundational text and a practical guidebook for bringing contemporary art into elementary and middle school classrooms as a way to make learning joyful and meaningful for all learners. Marshall shows how asking questions and posing problems spark curiosity and encourage learners to think deeply and make meaningful connections across the curriculum. At the center of this approach is creativity, with contemporary visual art as its inspiration. The text covers methods of creative inquiry-based learning, art and how it connects to the “big ideas” addressed by academic domains, flexible structures teachers can use for curriculum development, creative teaching strategies using contemporary art, and models of art-based inquiry curriculum. Book Features: Provides research-based project ideas and curriculum models for arts integration. Shows how Project Zero’s flexible structures and frameworks can be used to develop creative inquiry and an arts integration curriculum. Explains how contemporary visual art connects to the four major disciplines—science, mathematics, social studies, and language arts. Includes full-color images of contemporary art that are appropriate for elementary and middle school learners. Demonstrates how arts integration can and should be substantive, multidimensional, and creative.
Bring the arts back into the classroom with arts-based activities and strategies to use in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies instruction.
This book is designed to assist pre-service and in-service classroom teachers in weaving music, visual arts, drama, and movement into the elementary school curriculum--thereby stimulating the learning process, enriching other subject areas, ...
This book shows teachers how to build students_ creativity and critical thinking skills by using the arts in science, math, language arts, and social studies topics.
"The authors in this volume share exemplary arts-integration practices across the K-8 curriculum.
Kantian Antecedents of Image-Schemata Johnson described image-schemata as nonpropositional structures of imagination, a concept derived from his reading of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1997). In this seminal work, ...
Both a practitioner’s guide and a school reform model, the new edition of this popular book shares exemplary arts-integration practices across the K–8 curriculum.
As such, progressive historical education takes on a social justice character, seeking to empower both teachers and students as agents of change (Ayers, Kumashiro, Meiners, Quinn, & Stovall, 2010). FUndAmentALS oF hIStory And poIntS oF ...
The authors in this volume share exemplary arts-integration practices across the K–8 curriculum.
This book is designed to assist pre-service and in-service classroom teachers in weaving music, visual arts, drama, and movement into the elementary/middle school curriculum in order to stimulate the learning...
Emphasizing the value of collaboration among teachers, artists, educational leaders, and community partners, the book draws on the broad range of experiences of the authors, who came together as a working group of the Arts Education ...