This is the first book to gather and address what we have learned about the impacts and challenges of data-intensive teacher evaluation systems—a defining characteristic of the current education policy landscape. Book Features: Contributions by scholars working at the cutting edge of research and pioneering leaders directly involved in the implementation of teacher evaluation systems.Examination of the challenges and impact multiple measures-based evaluations are having on teaching and learning. Empirical research on the reliability and validity of evaluation measures, including classroom observation instruments, value-added measures, student surveys, and teacher portfolios. Contributors include: Ryan Balch, Marisa Cannata, Casey D. Cobb, Julie Cohen, Sean P. Corcoran, Morgaen L. Donaldson, Tim Drake, Dan Goldhaber, Ellen Goldring, Bridget K. Hamre, Gary T. Henry, Nathan D. Jones, Venessa A. Keesler, Susanna Loeb, Robert C. Pianta, Min Sun, Andrea Whittaker “Grissom and Youngs collect our best research-based knowledge on the topic in a smart, accessible volume that sets the standard in the field.” —John Tyler, Brown University “An insightful guide to new teacher evaluation systems. The contributions from individual authors couple what we know about measurement quality in these systems with a valuable first look at on-the-ground implementation.” —Heather Hill, Harvard Graduate School of Education “One of the most significant recent changes in school district administration has been the widespread development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems based on pupil performance and other measures. This book brings together top scholars who identify key issues, providing insights into possible benefits and perils.” —Robert E. Floden, Michigan State University
The superb panel of contributors to this book presents work that is incisive, informative, and accessible, providing a real service to the national efforts around teacher evaluation reform.” —JOHN H. TYLER, Professor of Education, Brown ...
Praise for Everyone at the Table "This book makes the compelling case that teachers know teaching best and must have a say in decisions about their work.
In the end, students are the losers. In her new book, Linda Darling-Hammond makes a compelling case for a research-based approach to teacher evaluation that supports collaborative models of teacher planning and learning.
Identifies some of the problems with many teacher evaluation systems, presents a rationale for teacher evaluation, and describes a structural framework for designing an effective evaluation system for beginning and tenured teachers.
Teachers should not be interchangeable parts. They should be vital cogs in an educational machine who each fill their niche as effectively as possible, and this book serves that end"--
Teachers should not be interchangeable parts. They should be vital cogs in an educational machine who each fill their niche as effectively as possible, and this book serves that end"--
This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing some of these systems in different ...
The authors analyze the systems of three districts and two states that have begun or are planning to incorporate measures of student performance into teacher evaluations.
In the wake of national interest in teacher evaluation, this book examines what we have learned about how and whether teacher evaluation holds teachers accountable and improves their practice.
A Comprehensive Guide to New Directions and Practices Kenneth D. Peterson. Holly , P. , & Southworth , G. ( 1989 ) . ... In D. Brooks ( Ed . ) , Teacher induction : A new beginning . ... Jackson , P.W. ( 1968 ) . Life in classrooms .