In his most recent work and with his usual perceptiveness, Seymour Sarason probes the topic of teaching as a performing art. Refreshingly, Dr. Sarason focuses on the often-overlooked role of teachers in galvanizing an audience—their students. Sarason argues that teachers will better engage learners if they are prepared in the artistry of doing so. Sarason sees teachers as actors and thus uses the traditions of stage performance to inspire ways to foster connections between teachers and students. Sarason elucidates how the rehearsal processes actors undergo and the direction they receive, for example, would be similarly beneficial for educators. Recognizing that implementing his ideas would require a profound rethinking of teacher training programs, Sarason urges why they are crucial to excellence in education. As always, Sarason’s writing is rich with insight garnered from 45 years of teaching and a lifetime devotion to educational issues. His book is essential for teachers and teacher educators and an excellent resource for anyone interested in educational topics. “Once again, Sarason, like other great teachers and artists, has us pause at the moral center of what we thought we knew long enough to recognize truths we might otherwise neglect. Just as he guided our understanding of school cultures and school reform, this book reshapes what we previously thought of as ‘the art of teaching’.” —Jeannie Oakes, Professor of Education at University of California, Los Angeles “Seymour Sarason thinks he has something new to say. Indeed, he has. Furthermore, he writes about a domain anyone who has taught in educational institutions identifies with immediately but is almost barren of attention. There are insight, great writing, and passion here, but don’t look for a repetition of anything Sarason has written before. To the thousands of psychologists, sociologists, and teachers of teachers already nourished by Sarason’s writing, this book will add the audience of teachers in and out of schools that he has always wanted to reach.” —John Goodlad, Co-director, Center for Educational Renewal, University of Washington, and President, Institute for Educational Inquiry
The Heart of Teaching is a book about teaching and learning in the performing arts.
Encouraging the creation of inclusive learning experiences, the book offers insights into how performative techniques can help place the student centre stage.
Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training focuses on neuro and physical difference and dis/ability in the teaching of performance and associated studies.
Drama and Education provides a practical, comprehensive guide to drama as a tool for teaching and learning.
This book offers practical solutions to teaching the performing arts by integrating them into math, science, social studies, and language arts in Grades K–5.
Presenting research from a range of settings, from preschool to university, and featuring contributions from scholars and theorists, educational psychologists, teachers and teaching artists, the book offers a comprehensive exploration and ...
This collection is intended for teachers and researchers who wish to infuse more writing into their performing and visual arts curriculums and courses.
teacher tIp Showing clips of television dance competitions such as 'So YouThink You Can Dance' or music videos such as Justin Timberlake's 'Can't Stop the ...
I am also grateful to colleagues who contributed to this book , among them Ellen Harrison , Wrenn Cook , Jan Scott , Karen Buchheim , Pat Cohen , Karen Hubbard , Anuradha Murali , April Barber , Kesha Nichols , Nicole Almeida , Kellie ...
Vol 1. Part I, The band conductor as a music teacher (in theory) : Ch. 1, Why we wrote this book / Larry Blocher -- Ch. 2, What materials are...