Breaking Barriers shows how to redesign high schools so that all students can move on to college and successful careers. In a negation of the American Dream, a childÕs zip code is currently a far better predictor of success than hard work, intelligence, or resilience. This book tells the story of a school model that focuses on equity and works to prove that all young people can achieve academic excellence given the right support. P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) combines public high schools and community colleges in partnership with employers, providing both opportunity and support for all students. This innovative and effective approach eliminates barriers to replication by engaging all stakeholders. The first P-TECH, which opened in a low-income Brooklyn neighborhood, is now a model for school reform. Praised by President Obama and heads of nations, its story is told through the voices of students who have shattered the myths about which students can succeed. “Breaking Barriers is a compelling read. It shows that a clear pathway from school, to college, to career goes beyond an aspiration—it’s achievable, and for all students. The global success of P-Tech schools is something education, government, and business leaders need to learn about and get behind.” —Arne Duncan, former United States Secretary of Education “Breaking Barriers is a must-read. The P-Tech story shows that quality schools leading to not just a high school diploma but college completion and career success are critical to our future. This is the kind of opportunity and support that must be provided to all students, regardless of income or race.” —Darren Walker, president, Ford Foundation
Break Barriers is a story about uncovering your potential, even if you are the underdog. It's about learning to apply the virtues of patience, perspective, and purpose to achieve whatever you dream in life.
One piece of important advice to the my readers ...Be yourself. Own your story. Have the courage to say "this is who I am. This is what I went through. And this is how I will not allow what happened to me to define me.
This book has been written to encourage girls and women (and indeed anyone who aspires to do anything out of the ordinary) to know that they are the sole arbiters of their lives. They have the Power.
Celebrate women athletes who played all kinds of sports before Title IX finally allowed them to compete in the Olympics, tournaments, and in leagues across America.
This book is written for anyone who may be feeling despair because they have been mistreated in life. It is written to encourage you to face life's challenges and to believe that God will give you the strength to break through barriers.
... Postal Communication in China and Its Modernization, 1860–1896 Tuvia Blumenthal, Saving in Postwar Japan Peter Frost, The Bakumatsu Currency Crisis Stephen C. Lockwood, Augustine Heard and Company, 1858–1862 Robert R. Campbell, ...
For many of these new students, the prospect of applying to graduate school is sometimes downright terrifying. In this essential guide, Dr. Alexander Mamishev offers comprehensive advice on all aspects of graduate life and admissions.
In an immersive, exciting narrative nonfiction format, this powerful book follows a selection of people who experienced the events surrounding the breaking of the color barrier in baseball.
Lazar, “The Fight for Bucky Lew's Name”; Caroline Louise Cole, “Recalling How Black Star Broke Barriers in 1902,” Boston Globe, NorthWest Weekly, February 16, 1997, 6. 8. Ron Thomas, They Cleared the Lane: The NBA's Black Pioneers ...
Featuring a mix of clinical tips, personal anecdotes, and theoretical reframing, this book takes clinicians invested in these issues to the next level, breaking down barriers to connecting with men and getting them the help that is so often ...