This practical guide shows teachers how to introduce academic language to young children, with an emphasis on appreciating and leveraging linguistic diversity. New educational standards are asking students to master content-area concepts and increasingly complex texts in earlier grades. This practitioner-friendly text provides instructional materials, sample dialogs, and assessment tools to facilitate academic language use in PreK–3 classrooms. The authors describe the word, sentence, and discourse levels of academic language, while encouraging teachers and students to consider purpose, participants, discipline, and context. Strategies are provided to help readers adapt language for a variety of academic purposes across mathematics, science, play, mealtimes, and ELA instruction. The text includes discussion questions, reproducible activities, planning materials, assessment tools, and handouts to facilitate smooth implementation into classroom practice. From Words to Wisdom will empower teachers to build bridges to academic success for all young learners. Book Features: Expands teachers’ understanding of academic language beyond vocabulary to include syntax and discourse-level features.Includes specific strategies, activities, and suggestions for teaching from and with academic language across multiple settings and disciplines.Addresses all students, including multilingual and linguistically diverse speakers.Incorporates user-friendly features, such as text boxes, vignettes, assessment protocols, and sample teaching materials.
Taken together it's the ultimate source of self-improvement. Proverbs, precepts, maxims, saws, adages, and axioms. Polished over years of use, here are thousands of sayings that are just as true today as the day they were coined.
Words Of Wisdom by Megan Alexander released on Aug 25, 1989 is available now for purchase.
For the right words at the right moment, this is the definitive, delightful guide to the complex spectrum of human thought. ... of such books as No Uncertain Terms, The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time, and Scandalmonger.
This book is a lively exploration of the amazing revelation known to Mormons as the “Word of Wisdom.” It counsels us how and what we should eat to reach our highest potential, both physically and spiritually.
This book was created as an easy to carry and read manifesto for well-being and healthy living. Strive for excellence always, and youll never live a day in regret. Mr. David E. Sherman Jr.
Some of the quotes that are in this book are from me and also the Holy Spirit. As you read, take your time and focus on the quote and enjoy the blessing that's coming from Words of Wisdom.
The WoWs pack a punch, bringing insights from a person who successfully climbed the corporate ladder from Accounting Clerk to CEO.
Milton Friedman “Only capitalists can destroy capitalism.” Felix G. Rohatyn “Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon.
Illuminating Wisdom brings art and wisdom together in a beautiful celebration of some of the world's most inspiring philosophical, spiritual and literary quotes.
An insightful and pragmatic pearl of wisdom each day to keep your mind sharp and your heart focused on our loving God. Words of Wisdom (WOW) is a 365 day devotional for those who seek to know what the Bible actually teaches.