This richly illustrated portrait of North Carolina's pottery traditions tells the story of the generations of "turners and burners" whose creations are much admired for their strength and beauty. Perhaps no other state possesses such an active and extensive ceramic heritage, and one that is entirely continuous. This book is an attempt to understand both the past and the present, the now largely vanished world of the folk potter and the continuing achievements of his descendants. It is a tribute that is long overdue.
From the middle of the eighteenth century through the second quarter of the twentieth century, folk potters in North Carolina produced thousands of pieces of earthenware and stoneware -- sturdy, simple, indispensable forms like jars and jugs, milk crocks and butter churns, pitchers and dishes, ring jugs and flowerpots. Their wares were familiar and everyday, not innovative or unusual, because they were shaped through generations of use for specific functions. The utilitarian forms were so commonplace and embedded in daily life that few individuals documented the craft. Turners and Burners is the first book to chronicle these pottery traditions, with close attention to distinct regional and temporal patterns and the major families involved. It explores in detail the traditional technologies used, from the foot-powered treadle wheel to the wood-fired groundhog kiln.
Terry Zug became interested in North Carolina pottery in 1969 shortly after moving to Chapel Hill. In 1974 he began documenting the craft and traveled throughout the state recording the reminiscences of potters, former potters, and members of potters' families who recalled the old craft in remarkable detail. He systematically photographed and cataloged old pots, located early shop sites, and carefully recorded the remaining waster dumps of broken shards and decaying equipment. His primary source, however, was the potters themselves. Their tape-recorded interviews provide an insider's view of their world and reveal the powerful underlying logic and autonomy of their craft.
New York : Holt , Rinehart and Winston , 1972 . Goossen , Irvy W. Navajo Made Easier : A Course in Conversational Navajo . 1967 . Reprint . Flagstaff , AZ : Northland Press , 1977 Faris , James C. The Nightway : A History and a History ...
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墨尔多神山脚下, 大小金川蜿蜒流淌于嘉绒藏地.在这片古老的土地上, 有甲居神秘的"玛尼", 梭坡, 中路欢舞的"卓"和巴底, 太平桥神圣庄严的"达勒嘎" ... ...
《___》主要_容包括:《耕__》的_尬;新__的趣味;民___,文人趣味;扉___美一_;挂_里的“除四害”;偶然_留下_的生活__等。《___》以___背景,其中一_故事就是_____文化的回_,在 ...
... 而刘译本则显然“情欲”成分较重,这源于他对仓央嘉措是浪子活佛的主观认定。另外,刘希武在翻译的过程中,受汉语诗歌创作理论的影响也是比较大的,主要表现在典故和修辞方法的运用上。比如,于道泉先生译本中的这一首诗:虽软玉似的身儿已抱惯, ...
The companion volume to the first comprehensive retrospective of Morgan's work chronicles the life and art of the self-taught African-American artist, evangelist, musician, and poet, who used her diverse talents as a extension of and voice ...
In Classical China, crafted artifacts offered a material substrate for abstract thought as graphic paradigms for social relationships. Focusing on the fifth to second centuries B.C., Martin Powers explores how...
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