"Ultimately, the failure of more than one-half of the third generation of Petigru women to marry shattered the family's continuity."--BOOK JACKET.
In this timely book, the editors and other experts in feminism and family studies examine the effects of two decades of influence by the women’s movement on sex roles and child rearing.
Family of Women is the story of three generations of women: Bessie: scarred by a childhood of poverty in the slums of Victorian Birmingham and left a young widow with four children, is a hard, bullying woman who will go to disturbing ...
The authors highlight how structural circumstances in countries with various degrees of industrialization are associated with specific policies.
The book argues that our entire economy is trapped in an old way of doing business; work structures have not adapted as more women enter the workforce.
An old culture investigated from a new perspective of Feminism in relation to the traditional values of Islam. -- Amazon.com.
In For the Family?, Sarah Damaske at last provides a far more nuanced and richer picture of women, work, and class than the one commonly drawn.
Throught the book the author presents detailed information on such topics as marriage negotiations, childbirth, child training practices, and the organization of women's groups.
A family album imbued with disaster, warmth and humor, Praise for the Women of the Family captures vivid snapshots of shifting intimate bonds, taken in the shadow of the patriarch by a youngest son, in search of his people’s story.
88 ) Hayek 1951 ; Pappe 1960 ; Robson 1968 ; Rossi 1970 ; Held 1971 ; Pugh 1978 ; Okin 1979 , MILL , JAMES ( and the Encyclopedia Britannica ) ( Doc . 31 ) Mazlish 1975 ; Okin 1979 . MILL , JOHN STUART ( Docs .
“From the moment I read the words [my great-grandmother] Frances Anne Rollin wrote in Boston on January 1, 1868—“The year renews its birth today with all its hopes and sorrows”—she became my beacon, the foremother who would ...