One of the major questions facing the world today is the role of law in shaping identity and in balancing tradition with modernity. In an arid corner of the Mediterranean region in the first decades of the twentieth century, Mandate Palestine was confront
This book analyzes the role of law and social norms in fostering tax compliance in British-ruled Palestine and modern Israel.
In this view, the standardization and codification of the multitude of halakhic rulings is a difficult task that does not sit well with either the practice or the pluralistic philosophy of the halakhah. Furthermore, the halakhah is ...
This book traces attempts to establish a non-religious system of Hebrew Courts in British-ruled Palestine.
In Land Law and Policy in Israel, Haim Sandberg contends that if you really want to know the identity of a state, learn its land law and land policies.
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2001 in the subject Law - Comparative Legal Systems, Comparative Law, grade: Sehr Gut, University of Vienna, 321 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: This work intends to ...
The Oslo Accord's two-state solution is now dead letter. Justice for Some offers a new approach to understanding the Palestinian struggle for freedom, told through the power and control of international law.
Plausible Crime Stories is not only the first in-depth study of the history of sex offences in Mandate Palestine but it also pioneers an approach to the historical study of criminal law and proof that focuses on plausibility.
This book situates the evolution of citizenship at the centre of state formation under the quasi-colonial mandate administration in Palestine.
These 15 essays bring a legal perspective to the history of Israel during the period beginning with World War I and ending with the Ten Days War.
The British Army's devastating effectiveness against colonial rebellion is exposed in this military history of Britain's pacification of the Arab revolt in Palestine.