This comprehensive study of China's Cold War experience reveals the crucial role Beijing played in shaping the orientation of the global Cold War and the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The success of China's Communist rev
An examination of how economic development and everyday life intersected with the temperature of Cold War geopolitics in Mao's China.
The leaders included Bo Yibo, Xie Juezai, Xue Muqiao, Liao Luyan, Luo Ruiqing, Li Fuchun, and Yao Yilin.80 Each writer wrote an article dealing with his area of responsibility. Bo, the finance minister, presented an overall assessment ...
For details see Wang Peiping and Sun Baoyun, eds, Sulian hongjun zai Luda (The Soviet Red Army in Lushun and Dalian), Dalianshi shizhi bangongshi 1995 nian bianyin (Dalian City Historical Annals Office 1995 Compilation) (unpublished).
Xiong Huayuan , " Kangmei yuanchao zhanzheng quianxi Zhou Enlai mimi fangsu " ( Zhou Elai's secret visit of the Soviet Union shortly before the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea broke out ) , Dang de wenxian ( Party Literature ) ...
LiuShaoqi Wenti Ziliao Zhuanji [A special collection of materials on Liu Shaoqi's problems]. Taibei: Institute for the Study ofChinese Communist Questions.Liu, Chongwen and Chen, Shaochou, eds. Liu Shaoqi nianpu [Yearly chronology ofLiu ...
Bell, California Crucible, 5–6, 262–263. US Bureau of the Census, 1950 United States Census of Population Special Reports: Nativity and Parentage (Washington, D.C.: USGPO, 1954), 3B-19. US Bureau of the Census, 1960 United States Census ...
In The Sino-Soviet Split, Lorenz Lüthi tells the story of this rupture, which became one of the defining events of the Cold War.
Between Mao and McCarthy looks at the divergent ways that Chinese Americans in these two cities balanced domestic and international pressures during the tense Cold War era.
This book examines China’s changing relations with the two superpowers, Asian neighbours, Third World countries, and European powers.
Popular Japanese Perceptions of Mao's China Erik Esselstrom. Igarashi, Yoshikuni. ... In China and Japan: History, Trends, and Prospects, ed. Christopher Howe. ... Sino-Japanese Transculturation: From Bibliography 221.