At the close of the nineteenth century, the Democratic Party in North Carolina engineered a white supremacy revolution. Frustrated by decades of African American self-assertion and threatened by an interracial coalition advocating democratic reforms, white conservatives used violence, demagoguery, and fraud to seize political power and disenfranchise black citizens. The most notorious episode of the campaign was the Wilmington "race riot" of 1898, which claimed the lives of many black residents and rolled back decades of progress for African Americans in the state. Published on the centennial of the Wilmington race riot, Democracy Betrayed draws together the best new scholarship on the events of 1898 and their aftermath. Contributors to this important book hope to draw public attention to the tragedy, to honor its victims, and to bring a clear and timely historical voice to the debate over its legacy. The contributors are David S. Cecelski, William H. Chafe, Laura F. Edwards, Raymond Gavins, Glenda E. Gilmore, John Haley, Michael Honey, Stephen Kantrowitz, H. Leon Prather Sr., Timothy B. Tyson, LeeAnn Whites, and Richard Yarborough.
This book will be useful for scholars and students of processes of democratisation, for Middle East and North Africa specialists and for general readers interested in the role of international actors across the Arab world.
This book breaks down the intentionally-complex terms and euphemisms used by the US government and political forums making them easier to understand for all citizens.
In Freedom Betrayed, Michael Ledeen weaves together key moments in the fall of communism with the skill of a born storyteller.
Hon. Miria Matembe tells of her experience as an insider and minister in President Yoweri Museveni's government of Uganda that strips bare the ugly side of the once-revered revolutionary regime.
Zambian Democracy Betrayed: Patrimonial Corruption in Zambia
Beschrijft de politieke geschiedenis van Guyana van 1948 tot en met 1993.
... under the charismatic leadership of Imaduddin Abdulrahim (known as Bang Imad) in Salman Mosque on the campus of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), the dakwah movement spread to university campuses throughout Indonesia.
middle class, 57 crisis of, 30-33 nationalism and, 48-49 Middletown in Transition (Lynd and Lynd), 53, 54n Miller, l-Iillis, 181n Miller, Kelly, 220 minority concept, 17-18n Modem Man in Search ofa Soul (Jung), 237 Modern Temper, ...
Goliath, an oversized Doberman pinscher, and his owner working on construction need to find a place to live in Long Island.
The book poses a profound challenge to our understanding of the limits and possibilities of African American resistance in the early twentieth century.