Richter examines a wide range of primary documents to survey the responses of the peoples of the Iroquois League--the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas, and Tuscaroras--to the challenges of the European colonialization of North America. He demonstrates that by the early eighteenth century a series of creative adaptations in politics and diplomacy allowed the peoples of the Longhouse to preserve their cultural autonomy in a land now dominated by foreign powers.
In the beginning, North America was Indian country. But only in the beginning. After the opening act of the great national drama, Native Americans yielded to the westward rush of European settlers. Or so the story usually goes.
Henry Spelman, “Relation of Virginea,” in Edward Arber and A. G. Bradley, eds., Travels and Works of Captain John Smith, President of Virginia and Admiral ofNew England, 1580–1631, 3 vols. (Edinburgh: John Grant, 1910), 1: cv, cxii.
Exploring a vast range of original sources, Before the Revolution spans more than seven centuries and ranges across North America, Europe, and Africa.
For information on other symbols of alliance , see Fenton , “ Structure , Continuity , and Change , " in Jennings , et al . , eds . , History and Culture of Iroquois Diplomacy , 22 ; and " Glossary of Figures of Speech in Iroquois ...
For complaints, see James Axtell, “Colonial America without the Indians,” in Axtell, After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North America (New York, 1988), 222-243; James H. Merrell, “Some Thoughts on Colonial Historians ...
Native Americans' Pennsylvania
Telling the stories of mixed-race traders and missionaries, tribal leaders and territorial governors, Witgen challenges our assumptions about the inevitability of U.S. expansion.
To protect its own business, Illinois Steel set out to create a steel combine of a scale to compete with Carnegie, sending chief counsel Elbert H. Gary to 2 3 Wall Street early in 1 898 to secure the funding for a series of purchases of ...
Mink is a witness, a shape shifter, compelled to follow the story that has ensnared Celia and her village, on the West coast of Vancouver Island in Nuu’Chahlnuth territory.
Narratives of New Netherland reads like a small anthology on the discovery, origins, and history of the United States, but from a Dutch, rather than traditional English, perspective.