The autobiographies of former slaves contributed powerfully to the abolitionist movement in the United States, fanning national--even international--indignation against the evils of slavery. The four texts gathered here are all from North Carolina slaves and are among the most memorable and influential slave narratives published in the nineteenth century. The writings of Moses Roper (1838), Lunsford Lane (1842), Moses Grandy (1843), and the Reverend Thomas H. Jones (1854) provide a moving testament to the struggles of enslaved people to affirm their human dignity and ultimately seize their liberty. Introductions to each narrative provide biographical and historical information as well as explanatory notes. Andrews's general introduction to the collection reveals that these narratives not only helped energize the abolitionist movement but also laid the groundwork for an African American literary tradition that inspired such novelists as Toni Morrison and Charles Johnson.
These slave narratives were compiled as part of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration during 1936-1938."
These slave narratives were compiled as part of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration during 1936-1938.
The language is harsh and direct, but shows what life truly was like by the stories and pictures of individuals who lived during this era. This book is for any history major or any individual who wants to find Americas dark past.
-Norman R. Yetman, American Memory, Library of Congress This paperback edition of selected South Carolina narratives is reprinted in facsimile from the typewritten pages of the interviewers, just as they were originally typed.
North Carolina Slave Narratives contains a folk history of slavery in the United States from Interviews with former North Carolina slaves.
... no back-sliding. 'Once in de Spirit, allus in de Spirit'. A child of your'n is allus a child of your'n. Dat de way ... never axes fer nothing, but when I sets around de courthouse and informs men as I been doing dis evening, de Lawd has ...
The book describes slave attitudes and actions; slave-master relationships; the conditions of slave life, including diet, physical treatment, working conditions, housing, forms of resistance, and black overseers; slave cultural institutions ...
2010 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Out of the hundreds of published slave narratives, only a handful exist specific to South Carolina, and most of these are not readily available to modern readers.
Vivid descriptions of the horrors of slave auctions, and many other unforgettable and sometimes unrepeatable details of slave life. Accompanied by 32 starkly compelling photographs.
Slave Narratives - NORTH CAROLINA - Volume XI